Changes to the General Education Program
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Changes to the General Education Program
Upon the recommendation of the Provost, I approve the following changes to the General Education Program, effective fall 2006 or spring 2007 as noted:
Effective fall 2006
GE Breadth Area B1
ADD course
NSCI 101 - Introduction to the Earth's Environment
GE Breadth Area C2
DELETE course:
ENGL 245 - Medieval Mind
GE Breadth Area C2
ADD course:
ENGL 371 - Principles of Language
GE Breadth Area D1
ADD course:
ABUS 101 - Introduction to Agricultural Business and Economics
GE Breadth Area D2/NW
DELETE course:
ASST/SOCI 352 - Sociology of Mainland Southeast Asia
GE Breadth Area D3
ADD course:
HIST 105 - Global Environmental History: Before Columbus
GE Breadth Area D3
ADD course:
HIST 106 - Global Environmental History: After Columbus
GE Upper-Division Theme C
DELETE course:
INST 315 - Cultural Dimensions of International Business
GE Upper-Division Theme E
DELETE course:
PHIL 324 - Philosophical Perspectives on Sex and Love
GE Upper-Division Theme E restructure to:
1 course selected from:
PHIL 321 - Ethics and Human Happiness
PHIL 326 - Social Ethics
RELS 346 - Ethical Issues in Religion
1 course required:
GEOS 354 - Science and Ethics
1 course required:
ECON 352/HCSV 333 - Medical Economics
GE Upper-Division Theme H
DELETE course:
SOCI 391H - The Global Within the Community: Understanding Through Service Learning
GE Upper-Division Theme H restructure to:
Track 1
1 course required:
PSYC/PHIL 313H/RELS 342H - What Motivates Altruism: Honors
1 course selected from:
BIOL/PHIL 322H - Science and Human Values: Honors
CSCI 313H/PSYC 332H - Mind in the Machine: Honors
Track 2
1 course selected from:
BIOL/PHIL 322H - Science and Human Values: Honors
CSCI 313H/PSYC 332H - Mind in the Machine: Honors
1 course selected from:
CMST/MJIS/SOCI 356H - Genocide and Mass Persuasion in the 20th Century: Honors
GEOG/MCGS 316H - Crossing Boundaries: Honors
Capstone - to be taken last
1 course required:
HNRS 399H - Honors in General Education Thesis