Approval of a Minor Change to the BA in Multicultural and Gender Studies
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Approval of a Minor Change to the BA in Multicultural and Gender Studies
Upon the recommendation of the Provost, I approve a minor change to the BA in Multicultural and Gender Studies. This change is in response to MCGS courses being deleted as a result of the 5 year course review. MCGS 345, MCGS 479 and MCGS 332 are elective courses being removed from the major core. Within both options, the number of required courses will increase by 1 due to the deletion of MCGS 385. MCGS 385 was listed as an elective with MCGS 489. With the removal of MCGS 385, MCGS 489 will now be required. The number of units for the major will not change. This change will be effective Fall 2013.