Approval of a Significant Change to the BS in Business Information Systems
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Approval of a Significant Change to the BS in Business Information Systems
Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and with the concurrence of the Provost, I approve a significant change to the BS in Business Information Systems. This change reduces the number of units for the major from 81-87 to 75. The major core program units will reduce from 57 to 54 by reducing the number of lower-division units from 33 to 27 and by increasing the number of upper-division units from 24 to 27. The number of major option units will decrease from 24-30 to 21. Also, the Operations Management Pattern curriculum within the Management Option within the BS in Business Administration will be moved to the Supply Chain Management Systems Option within the BS in Business Information Systems. This change will be effective Fall 2014.