Office of the President

April 26, 2018 – Outcome of student fee increase advisory vote

To: Campus Community

From: President Gayle E. Hutchinson

To: Faculty and staff
From: President Gayle Hutchinson
Thank you all for encouraging students to educate themselves about the proposed fee adjustments and to be involved in the discussion and referendum process this week. The following message was sent to students tonight:

To: Students 

From: President Gayle Hutchinson

I’d like to extend my thanks and gratitude to every student who took time to participate in this semester’s student fee adjustment process. I know our University’s fee system is complex and the discussions were not always easy. In taking the time to learn about these mandatory fees, attending the forums, sharing heartfelt and courageous comments, and casting an advisory vote on this critical matter, you made your voices heard and demonstrated invaluable civic engagement. Together, we shared a rich dialogue about the pros and cons of adjusting these three fees.

In this week’s advisory referendum, the majority of student voters rejected all three increases—to the student learning fee, the health services fee, and the athletics fee. Results of the referendum are presented below. 

Ultimately, it is my role as president to make the final determination on whether or not to implement increases to these mandatory fees, and it is not a decision I will make lightly. As I make my decision in the coming week, I will be reviewing and reflecting on the comments collected, the referendum outcome, and the University funding requirements needed to provide important services and opportunities for students’ well-being, activity, and learning.

I will be meeting with the Government Affairs Committee (GAC) on Monday, April 30, to discuss outcomes of this entire process (including the online survey, open forum feedback, and student advisory referendum results) and hear and listen to GAC comments, and I will meet with the Campus Fee Advisory Committee on Wednesday, May 2, to do the same. My final decision will be shared with campus on Thursday, May 3, before 5pm.

 Thank you again for your role in this critical process. 

Fee Adjustment Advisory Referendum

Report date: Thursday 26 April 2018 20:01 PDT

Health Services Fee
Poll ID: 143920
As at Poll close: Thursday 26 April 2018 20:00 PDT
Number of voters: 5264 · Group size: 5451 · Percentage voted: 96.57
Ranked by votes

Athletics Fee
Poll ID: 143921
As at Poll close: Thursday 26 April 2018 20:00 PDT
Number of voters: 5264 · Group size: 5451 · Percentage voted: 96.57
Ranked by votes

Student Learning Fee

Poll ID: 143922
As at Poll close: Thursday 26 April 2018 20:00 PDT
Number of voters: 5264 · Group size: 5451 · Percentage voted: 96.57
Ranked by votes