Office of the President

September 27, 2017 – New Title IX Guidance

To: Campus Community

From: President Gayle E. Hutchinson

Many individuals have asked questions concerning how Friday’s Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) from the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) will impact our campus and the Title IX-related programs and processes we have in place to address sexual misconduct, dating and domestic violence, sexual harassment, and stalking. This letter is to advise the campus community that at this time, we do not foresee any impact. As affirmed by Chancellor White in the attached message, "Our comprehensive policies comply with federal and state laws and regulations--and remain in full force and effect. [The] letter from the OCR does not change CSU’s approach because compassion and fairness to all parties is a bedrock of our existing policies.”

The CSU system has committed to participating in the rulemaking process that is proposed by the OCR, and I have instructed our Title IX Coordinator and Deputies to help ensure that the perspectives from our campus are included as part of that effort. Locally, we will continue to promote prevention programs that help reduce instances of sexual misconduct and equip the campus community with the tools needed to intervene in potentially harmful situations. When a report is received, we will respond appropriately to ensure that campus and community resources are made available to those involved, and that the procedures in our policies are followed so that a fair process is provided for all.

You too can play a part in shaping public policy around this issue. The Rulemaking process proposed by the OCR will include the opportunity for public comment. I invite you to review this Guide to the Rulemaking Process(opens in new window), and think about how you can contribute to this conversation when the public comment period begins. Thank you to everyone on this campus and in the community who has helped to carry this ongoing conversation forward. I stand with Chancellor White in his commitment to “safety, fairness, compassion and equal opportunity for every member of our university community.”