Office of the President

December 7, 2020 - Spring Semester 2021 Remains Predominately Virtual

To: Campus Community
From: President Gayle E. Hutchinson

California State University (CSU) Chancellor Timothy P. White and Chancellor-select Joseph I. Castro released a message to the CSU Presidents last week regarding spring semester planning and proposed modifications as a result of the statewide surge in COVID-19 cases. Due to careful planning this fall, Chico State’s plans to be predominately virtual for the spring semester align closely with the Chancellor’s recommendations. Additionally, winter session will remain online.  

Spring Semester Information

The 2021 spring semester will begin as scheduled on January 25. Faculty will return to work on January 20. As previously announced this fall, approximately 95 percent of courses will be delivered virtually. Roughly 140 course sections will involve some in-person activity. Every effort will be made to ensure these course sections conform to CSU, federal, state, county, and local health guidance for mitigating risks of COVID-19 infection and promoting public health. The University will employ a comprehensive cleaning and sanitizing program for buildings in use and high traffic areas around campus. Faculty, staff and students are expected to wear face coverings at all times while in public or shared indoor spaces, as well as adhere to physical distancing guidelines.

Chico State will continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation and related safety information. We will also continue to look for opportunities to increase student engagement when safe to do so.


University Housing will be open to approximately 100 students prioritized by need, such as housing insecurity, disability, and other extenuating circumstances. The WellCat Health Center will offer testing to students residing in on-campus housing, as well as conduct periodic surveillance testing for these students throughout the spring term. Surveillance testing will help gauge the prevalence of COVID-19 within the on-campus housing community through the periodic testing of randomly chosen non-symptomatic individuals. 


The COVID-19 Hotline (530-898-2222) remains available for all students, faculty, and staff with questions or to report positive COVID-19 tests. Limited testing is available at the WellCat Health Center for students. Further, many testing locations exist throughout Butte County. 

Updates and Information

We will continue to update Chico State’s COVID-19 News & Information website with the latest information on COVID-19, campus operations, and resources, including mental health. Please check this website frequently.

These are trying times. I am continually amazed at the resilience and brilliance of our students, faculty, and staff, and deeply appreciate the flexibility everyone has shown as we navigate these uncharted waters of a pandemic. COVID-19 will be behind us one day. In the meantime, stay courageous, determined, and hopeful!