Office of the President

March 26, 2021 - Virtual National Day of Action and Healing - #StopAsianHate

Dear campus community,

As our nation continues to grapple with the growing number of hateful acts targeting our Asian American and Asian colleagues, friends, and neighbors, I wanted to share with you a call to action to #StopAsianHate during today’s Virtual National Day of Action and Healing(opens in new window). Events scheduled on this day were initiated by New York Congresswoman Grace Meng and California Assemblymember Evan Low, and led by Asian American Congressional leaders and civic organizations.

March 26 was selected because on this day in 1790 the Naturalization Act was signed into law, effectively excluding Blacks, Native Americans, indentured servants, and later Asians from U.S. citizenship.

Take action with this Day of Action and Healing virtual toolkit (Google Doc).

Register for and attend the Worldwide Vigil, based in Atlanta which begins at 4:30 p.m. PST.

At Chico State, we are dedicated to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion. We aim to create a welcoming and safe environment for everyone who studies and works here. Practicing anti-racism on behalf of our colleagues, students, friends, and neighbors is the first step in addressing the racism in our nation.

Together, we will build the future we wish to live in. #StopAsianHate


Gayle E. Hutchinson