Office of the President

March 30, 2021 – Phased Return to Campus Plan

Dear faculty and staff,

As we begin to look ahead with real hope that the COVID-19 pandemic is starting to wane, I’m delighted to announce that we are planning to move to phase three of our Return to Campus Plan (PDF).

Beginning June 7, 2021, we will start increasing the number of employees who return to work on campus. Every employee will not return at once, and we’ll continue to follow state and county health and safety guidelines. However, the goal is that every department will begin providing in-person services during normal business hours on June 7.

For many employees, the past year has been the most challenging, unpredictable, and nerve-wracking of their careers. I thank you for rising to the challenge of transitioning to remote work, virtual meetings, and staying safe during this pandemic. I also realize that returning to campus is both exciting and challenging, so we are providing as much notice as possible to allow everyone to start thinking about what a return means for them.

There are many considerations as we move forward with this plan, so starting this work now will give us the time to meet those challenges. We should all take a moment to reacquaint ourselves with the safety protocols in place on campus, and begin to think through how each department can create a safe and productive work-environment.

Here are some highlights of the Return to Campus Plan:

  • We will remain in our current phase two status—with most employees primarily working remotely—through June 6, 2021. At the same time, we will do everything we can to increase on-campus staffing, while balancing health and safety with operational needs. We also will welcome back employees who request an early return to campus, via their manager. Requests will be granted if they can be accommodated within physical distancing and safety protocols.
  • We do not expect that all employees will return to campus on June 7 or that all employees will be on campus full-time by August. Hybrid work schedules (a blend of on-campus and remote work) may be implemented to enhance employees' safety and comply with state and local guidelines. On campus, all employees will be required to maintain proper physical distancing and wear face coverings in common and public indoor spaces, and outdoors when physical distancing is not possible. (Refer to the current California Department of Public Health guidance(opens in new window) for additional information and limited exceptions).
  • By August 2021, all departments will provide on-campus services during normal operating hours. While all employees may not be on campus simultaneously on a full-time basis, managers should consider all employees when developing departmental staffing plans.
  • Employees who have a medical condition or disability that impacts their ability to return to on-campus work should seek administrative options from their manager to mitigate these concerns. When an employee indicates that they cannot return because of their disability or medical condition, a referral should be made to explore reasonable accommodations through the Accessibility Resource Center. Managers should not inquire into an employee’s specific medical condition or background.
  • As the vaccination rate accelerates and we move toward herd immunity, there is a possibility that we may be able to fully return to campus during the Fall 2021 semester. At the latest, we are expecting full in-person staffing to support our students by January 2022.

For more detailed information, employees should visit the Return to Campus Plan or ask their manager.

Again, my sincerest gratitude and appreciation goes out to each and every one of you as we work toward bringing this truly unusual academic year to a close. I’m very much looking forward to an active, vibrant campus in the near future.

Gayle E. Hutchinson