Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems

Calendar of Events

Each box-like entry below is a link to an event.

sheep grazing almond orchardStacking Soil Health Practices In Orchard and Rice Systems

Friday, September 20, 8:30 - 11:30 am, Massa Organics, Hamilton City, CA

Join us for a FREE on-farm field day to learn how to make your farm more climate-smart and successful: • Integrating cover cropping, grazing and hedgerows. • Funding opportunities to implement climate-smart practices. • Regional distribution and marketing opportunities with the North Valley Food Hub. The event includes coffee and burritos. Register here to secure your space.

North Valley Food Hub logoNorth Valley Food Hub Informational Webinar

Friday, September 27, 12:00 - 1:00 pm, Online via Zoom

The North Valley Food Hub Online Marketplace is Officially Open! Join us at this free live online webinar specifically for growers interested in learning more about how the North Valley Food Hub can help you sell your produce and how to participate! Reserve your space now by clicking here!

Yuba Foothills Food and Water Festival 2024

September 28-29, 8:30 - 11:30 am, Oregon House, CA

Two days to attend workshops and support local farmers, chefs, artisans, wellness gurus, and non-profits. Workshops include soil & health, the Yuba Watershed, fruit tree growing, cheese making, beekeeping and Jadam composting.

Grazing for Resilience: An Immersive Land & Livestock Discovery Experience

October 2-6, 2024, Tomales, California

An immersive 5-day experience where you'll learn about land, animal and ecosystem stewardship with ruminants, small and large (sheep, goats and cows). Hosted by Grazing School of the West and New Cowgirl Camp, this camp intensive offers joyful and communal hands-on training in thoughtful ranching and livestock & land management with a focus on holistic management and regenerative practices.

37th annual California Small Farm Conference

February 23 – 28, 2025, Hybrid, Online with In-Person Meet-ups throughout California

A week of learning, inspiration and movement-building for anyone involved in local food, sustainable agriculture, and small farms sponsored by the California Alliance with Family Farmers. This hybrid conference features over 60 online workshops and in-person gatherings at multiple venues around the state. 

Past Events

Healthy Soils for Grazing Lands

June 5th from 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM, PT Ranch - 1600 Cook Rd, Ione, CA 95640

Explore cultivating forage production resilience. Guests will hear from many different presenters to discuss range seeding planning and considerations, rancher implementation experiences, healthy soils and sampling, weed management, and financial assistance programs for ranchers. Registration is required for this event.

Intro to Practical Beekeeping

May 4, 2024 from 8:00 - 12:00 pm, Chico State University Farm, 311 Nicholas C Shouten Lane Chico, CA

Faculty: Kevin Ward, a beekeeper with a lifetime of experience managing beehives and keeping bees for pollination, queen rearing, and honey productionand. He'll be joined by a guest speaker with expertise in keeping hives healthy. Learn about the fascinating world of beekeeping. Whether you're a beginner or looking for advice on an exisiting hive, this event is perfect for you. Come and discover the basics of setting up your own hive, caring for bees, and harvesting honey as well as the importance of honeybees in our ecosystem. Register early—the class size is limited to 30.

Informational Webinar

March 28, 2024 from 12:00 - 1:30 pm Online

The intention of this project is to provide farm-to-fork integration through marketing and sales support for climate-smart commodities (such as but not limited to almonds, walnuts, rice, tomatoes, peaches, and prunes) by creating a one-stop shopping platform for wholesale buyers, and a marketplace for growers to post and promote their products. The program also provides free training, technical support, mentorship, and subsidies for producers to implement climate-smart practices. Join us at this free webinar to learn how you can benefit and participate!

Soil Health Field Days: Regenerative Orchard Systems

March 19 and 20, 2024 at the Chico State University Farm Pavilion, 311 Nicholas C Shouten Lane, Chico, CA

Join us at this jam-packed two day event to learn orchard management strategies to optimize soil health. Gather together with other growers, students, and agriculture professionals for presentations from a wide variety of speakers, panel discussions with successful growers, farm tours with demos and topics of discussion, programs to assist you with your goals, opportunities for networking and socializing, catered lunches and continental breakfasts. 

Butte County Healthy Soils Program Incentive Grant Workshop & Webinar

March 6, 2024, In-Person at the Chico State University Farm, Classroom 102, 311 Nicholas C Shouten Lane, Chico, CA OR via Zoom

Join us to learn how to apply for the Healthy Soils Program Incentive Grant. Awards of up to $100,000  are being granted to implement on-farm soil health practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and store carbon in soil, trees, and shrubs in Butte, Glenn, and Tehama county.

Carbon Farm Planning Two-Part Workshop

February 22, 2024 from 10 AM to 11:30 AM, Online Webinar

March 7, 2024, Field Day, Center for Land-Based Learning’s The Maples Farm in Woodland, CA

The Yolo Carbon Farm Partnership is hosting a two-part Carbon Farming workshop series to showcase on-farm strategies to improve soil health and increase the amount of carbon stored in plants and soil. The introductory webinar will feature an overview of carbon farm planning including introducing the typical components and associated tools. Funding sources for implementing carbon-beneficial practices will be highlighted, and partners will discuss the logistics of working on these plans and implementation. The webinar is followed by an in-person field day on March 7, 2024 at the Center for Land-Based Learning’s The Maples Farm in Woodland, CA. The in-person field day will dig deeper into the planning and practice of carbon farming featuring practices implemented at the Maples Farm.

Register for the webinar by clicking this box. For questions, contact Conor Higgins, Yolo County RCD Project Manager, at or call (530) 661-1688 x 4.


Dec. 5, 2023, 10:00 am, LangeTwins Family Winery & Vineyard in Acampo, CA

This free in-person event, sponsored by CAFF, will discuss cover cropping and integrated livestock grazing in vineyards as part of a systems approach to land management. Kendra Altnow and Maria Zumkeller with LangeTwins Family Winery & Vineyard will talk about Project Terra, their collection of initiatives that demonstrate and communicate the positive impact of regenerative agriculture using systems approach principles. They will share their experience with cover cropping and integrated sheep grazing, and the considerations to have when planning and implementing these practices. We will also hear from their partners and how important collaboration is to farming regeneratively. There will be multiple guest speakers. Learn more and register now.

Solar Grazing Workshop

August 14-16, 2023, White Oak Pastures, Bluffton, Georgia

Participants will tour solar farms and learn how to combine regenerative grazing with solar power production. You will learn how sensitive solar equipment is kept safe from the grazing animals, how to deliver, load, and handle the animals on site, work with watering needs, grazing goals, and other grazing decisions, as well as the details of arranging contracts and working most effectively with the solar suppliers. Additionally, there are topics covered of use to the solar suppliers themselves such as the most effective types of seeding and equipment to use in conjunction with ecologically sound land management, use of space between panels, etc.

The Importance of Plant Nutrition in Organic Systems

Free Webinar: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 1 pm ET. 

John Kempf, Founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture, and Elizabeth Whitlow, the Director of Regenerative Organic Alliance are presenting this webinar about what creates soil health from the perspective of the "Plant Health Pyramid."

Farming with Fungi

4-part Interactive Webinar: April 11, 20, 26, and 29, 2023. 

Take advantage of this opportunity to attend a free 4-part webinar sponored by the Soil Food Web School with mycologist Dr. Adam Cobb, Soil Food Web Pioneer Dr. Elaine Ingham, and agroecologist, Nicole Masters. Fungal relationships with plants are essential for healthy soil, healthy plants, and carbon drawdown and accrual in the soil. This webinar series will cover everything you need to know including the science and case studies that support it. Advance registration required.

Cover Cropping for Soil Health and Fertility in Organic Production

April 17, 2023, 1:00 pm Eastern time, Live Webinar

This webinar presented by USDA NRCS Science and Technology will address the challenges organic farmers face in choosing and managing cover crop species and mixes, taking a step by step approach that considers cover cropping goals, seasonal niches in the rotation, climate and soil constraints, termination methods, and the needs of the following crop.

Regen. Ag. School: Integrating Holistic Management into Your Ranch or Farm

April 17-22, 2023, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM CST, Dixon Leo Ranch, Decatur, TX

Instructed by Kirk Gadzia, Wayne Knight, Casey Wade, and Philip Boyd. Gain comprehensive knowledge in Holistic Management® and create a livestock grazing plan that will help create more land health and financial success on your ranch or farm. This school is for you if you’re interested in farming, ranching, land conservation, or urban agriculture and want to improve your decision-making, profitability, water use, and soil health. Large- and small-scale producers are all invited! Early Bird discounts available if you sign up before Feb. 1, 2023. Scholarships are also available.

Bioneers: Revolution from the Heart of Nature

April 6-8, 2023, Berkeley, CA

Since 1990, the Bioneers conference has illuminated the topography of transformative change. This transformation inspires a change of heart, celebrating the unity and intrinsic value of all life. The rise of regenerative social movements and civil society leadership hold the greatest power and promise for successfully navigating the challenges of our time. For over three decades, the Bioneers Conference has served as a trellis on which this visionary movement of movements has grown and grown together around authentic “solve-the-whole problem” solutions. This historic shift to become an ecologically literate and just civilization heralds a declaration of interdependence. 

CRARS co-directors Cindy Daly and Tim LaSalle will be speaking at this year's event. Registration is now open.

DOUBLE EVENT in Glenn County

March 28, 2023, Glenn County, CA (or by ZOOM)

FIRST EVENT @ 9:30 am – Cover Crop Planting … Year #3!

Join us for a discussion on cover cropping in orchards. It has been three years of cover crop data collection and results! Attend to see...

  • Deep rooted cover crop profiles - how it improves water infiltration
  • Slake Testing to determine soil structure
  • On-Farm Water Infiltration Testing - how it works
  • Timing of winter cover crop seeding - Does it matter? Best management practices.
  • Preliminary data from the three year study

SECOND EVENT @ 10:30 am – Glenn County Partners Bring You Programs 101 for Farmers & Ranchers

Come learn about local, state and federal funding opportunities to implement new management practices on YOUR FARM OR RANCH. The Resource Conservation District is bringing together the County’s Department of Agriculture, Air Pollution Control District, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA Farm Service Agency and UC Cooperative Extension-Glenn County to help you learn about cost-share funding opportunities and loan options! Programs include: 

  • Carl Moyer and FARMER Programs
    CDFA Healthy Soils Program & SWEEP 
  • CDFA Alternative Manure Management Program 
  • Farm Bill Programs:  EQIP,  CSP,  RCPP,  NAP,  TAP 
  • And, more! 

 Your Partners will break programs down so you may learn what is available; then talk one-on-one with their technical advisors to create a plan, if desired.

RSVP (space is limited), preferably by March 24th! (Breakfast burritos will be provided.)

Soil Health Academy: Regenerative Farming and Ranching

March 14-16, 2023, Chico University Farm, Chico, CA

This course will examine all aspects of regenerative farming and ranching, soil health, plant health, and animal health. Hands-on experience will be heavily emphasized. This is a power-packed three days that will change what your farm or ranch should be and can be. Taught by highly experienced and regenerative farmers. Participants will work in teams to solve real-world grazing problems and sharpen their skills. Tuition includes cost of a Regen. Ag. 101 course that we'd like you to complete before attending—that course is offered in the Fall 2022. Scholarship money is available.

Advancing Eco Agriculture (AEA) Regenerative Crop Intensive: Wine Grapes

March 1st, 2023, 9AM-4PM, Napa Valley College, Napa, CA

In this in-depth workshop, Founder of AEA John Kempf, will describe the principles and the science of agronomic management systems that lead to high-level production in the wine grape industry. 

This course will show you that it is possible to improve your agricultural ecosystem in which: 

  • Soil health is quickly regenerated 
  • Crop yields and quality steadily improve 
  • Pest pressure is mitigated 
  • Crops become more resilient to climate extremes and require significantly less water to thrive. 

This is a free event but advanced registration is required by February 22nd. Lunch is included.

2nd Annual Regenerative Almond Field Day

February 21-22, 2023, Burroughs Family Orchards, Ballico CA

The Regenerative Almond Field Day is growing the movement of resilient farming by convening together farmers, industry leaders, researchers, technical service providers, land & livestock managers, policymakers, and others working toward a healthy and truly regenerative food system.

This interactive field day will offer farmers at every level the opportunity to learn from practitioners on the ground, get the latest information from researchers, ask questions of each other, and connect with folks committed to growing a food system that is healthy for our land and communities.

Pollinator Health Management Program at the North Valley Nut Conference

January 19, 2023, 12 :00 pm at Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, Chico, CA. Full event is 7:00 am - 1:00 pm.

This program in collaboration with the Honeybee Discovery Center features Rory Crowley, Director of Habitat Programs for Project Apis M.'s Seeds for Bees and Patricia Stock, dean of Chico State's College of Agriculture. 

White Buffalo Land Trust’s Holistic Management Intensive

January 5-14, 2023, at Jalama Canyon Ranch, CA.

This 10-day immersive experience guides participants in developing a context-appropriate pathway to management for ecological, economic, and community health through hands-on experience and practical application. With time in the field and in the classroom, students will have a mix of individual and group work time. Key modules included:

  • Financial Planning
  • Planned Grazing
  • Land Planning
  • Ecological Monitoring

This is a Savory accredited course and meets the training requirements for becoming a Savory Institute accredited professional.

Space is limited! Limited scholarships are also available—register by Nov. 28.