The following is a list of artifact teaching kits available for checkout. For a description of what each kit contains along with images of some of the artifacts, click on any of the following linked categories:
- Prehistoric Times
- Ancient China
- Ancient India
- Ancient Mesopotamia
- Colonial America/Revolutionary War
- Africa
- China
- Native American Curriculum: Desert Culture Area Kit
- Native American Curriculum: Coastal Culture Area Kit
- Native American Curriculum: Woodland Culture Area Kit
- Native American Curriculum: Plains Culture Area Kit
- Coast Miwok
- Hopi Regalia
- Southwest Indian Crafts
- Ancient Egypt
- Northwest Coast Masks & Legends
- Navajo Crafts
- Plains Indian Regalia
- Eskimo Crafts
- Butte County Indian Regalia
- The Middle Ages in Europe
- The Americas: The Maya
- Mexican Regalia
- Personalizing the Past: Overland Journey
- Russia
- Japan
- India
- Silk Road/Central Asia
- World Religions
- Grains of the World
- Games
- Hats off to Hats