Department of Recreation, Hospitality, & Parks Management

Department of Recreation, Hospitality, & Parks Management

Welcome to Recreation, Hospitality, and Parks Management (RHPM) at California State University, Chico! Founded in 1962, we are one of California’s oldest programs in recreation, hospitality, and parks management.

Students looking at map at SEKI by Jason HalleyWhat do our graduates do? They make lives better for others.

Our graduates help people to escape their daily lives by running hotels, resorts, outdoor recreation, and tourism businesses. They help people lead more fulfilling lives through recreation therapy, children’s programs, and community activities.

They maintain and improve our parks and natural and cultural resources. They create learning environments by organizing tours and planning conventions. They create memorable experiences, from enjoyable restaurant meals to entertaining music festivals.

Students at Seki by Jason HalleyDoes this sound like you?
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We believe that leisure can significantly improve lives.

We are Recreation, Hospitality, and Parks Management at Chico State.

In the Spotlight - Jesse Engebretson

Jesse Engebretsen at SEKI by Jason Halley                                              One of our very own members of the RHPM department, Jesse Engebretson has written an article for Science Direct titled, "Perceptions of honey bee management information sources among backyard and sideliner beekeepers in the United States." We are proud of the hard work, and dedication he has shown in representing our department.

RHPM in the News

RHPM Instructors share in many exciting experiences with their students. Check out these great moments in the news below

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