Department of Recreation, Hospitality, & Parks Management

Advising & Office Hours

Advisor and Instructor Office Hours

Students studying for a major (or a minor) in Recreation, Hospitality, & Parks Management are assigned a faculty member as an advisor.    

Chair and Advisor for All Majors
Lee, ChangClee93@csuchico.eduOffice Hours: M-F 9:00-11:00am

Faculty & Advisor Office Hours
Advisor for Event Management and Resort and Lodging Management
Geddie, MorganMgeddie@csuchico.eduNo Spring Office Hours
Advisor for Park and Recreation Management   
Engebretson, JesseJengebretson@csuchico.eduOffice Hours: Mondays (9-11am) on Zoom, Tuesdays (10-12pm) in Office of Tribal Relations Rm. 100
Faith, CassieCfaith@csuchico.eduOffice Hours: Thursdays 1:00-3:00pm, Zoom by Appointment
Kurtz, MeganMkurtz@csuchico.eduOffice Hours: by appointment
Wood, Lilitalwood3@csuchico.eduOffice Hours: Wednesdays 2:00-4:30pm
Sellu, TambaTsellu@csuchico.eduOffice Hours: T/Th 4:00-5:00pm
Farrington, NateNjfarrington@csuchico.eduOffice Hours: by appointment
Sheffield, EmilynESheffield@csuchico.eduOffice Hours: by appointment
Tucker, Office Hours: Thursdays 10:00-11:00am, by appointment
Odom, MeganModom@csuchico.eduOffice Hours: M 5:00-6:00pm, by appointment
Miller, JeremyJsmiller@csuchico.eduOffice Hours: T/Th by appointment
Kopta, MollyMkopta@csuchico.eduOffice Hours: Tuesday 5:00-6:00pm

Degree and Major Requirements

All students should meet with a GE advisor and their major advisor every semester to discuss their progress to degree, GE advisors are not assigned; students can meet with a GE advisor in Academic Advising Programs or the CME Student Success Team. The links below refer to the 2024-25 degree and major requirements in the university catalog. Before enrolling in courses, make sure you are following the correct requirements. Your GE and major advisors are excited to help you!

These forms are for students starting RHPM in Fall 2024 or later:

BS in Recreation, Hospitality, & Parks Management


For advising in these minors, please contact the RHPM department. Please refer to the University Catalog (opens in new window)for all current and past graduation requirements.