Chico Affordable Learning Solutions (CAL$)

About CAL$

In 2011, The California State University’s Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$)(opens in new window) program was initiated by the Chancellor's Office in response to skyrocketing textbook costs. AL$ goals are to enable:

  • Faculty to provide more affordable, quality educational content, and
  • Equitable access to course materials, supporting successful learning and course completion.

In 2012, the Chico campus launched a local campaign under the name Textbook Alternatives Project (TAP). Under the leadership of Laura Sederberg, TAP encouraged faculty to replace their high cost commercial textbooks with free or lower cost alternatives from 2013-2019. Supported by funds from the AB-798 College Textbook Affordability Act of 2015(opens in new window), Chico State also led faculty learning communities in 2017-2018 to encourage OER adoption.

In 2018 both programs were placed under the umbrella name Chico Affordable Learning Solutions (CAL$), in recognition of the connection with and support from CSU’s Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$)(opens in new window)

While CAL$ is currently coordinated by a faculty leader and organized with the Office of Faculty Development, CAL$ is a collaborative effort and represents the intersection of many organizations at Chico State. CAL$ is advised by a board that includes faculty and representatives from the Office of Faculty Development, Academic Technologies, Meriam Library, the Wildcat Bookstore, Office of the Registrar, and Technology Equity and Inclusion.

Historical Timeline of CAL$ from 2011 to 2023