Chico State
Choosing where to go to college is the first step to everything that comes next. Whether you’re following a familiar path or blazing your own, it all begins here: Your career. Your purpose. Your life. Since 1887, we’ve helped students lead the way from doing to daring. Now, it’s your turn.
What Will You Dare to Do?
You can go anywhere you want after studying at a University that offers nearly 400 undergraduate majors and minors, graduate degrees, and professional certifications. You’ll find Chico State alums in tech and communications, science and teaching, and everywhere in between. You have endless ways to own your today, making every tomorrow possible.

What Will You Dare to Do?
You can go anywhere you want after studying at a University that offers nearly 400 undergraduate majors and minors, graduate degrees, and professional certifications. You’ll find Chico State alums in tech and communications, science and teaching, and everywhere in between. You have endless ways to own your today, making every tomorrow possible.

I really was scared at first, but the faculty here showed me a lot of care and patience. Because of how they treated me, I now believe anyone is capable of learning.
Best Regional Public Universities —U.S. News
Classified as a Hispanic-Serving Institution
First-generation college students