Susan Frawley
Lecturer of Queer and Transgender Studies
- Email:
- Phone: 530-898-4474
- Location: THMA 229
Susan Frawley has bachelors in both geology and anthropology. She obtained her Master’s degree in Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology at the Australian National University. Her areas of interest include anthropology, LGBTQ history, and activism. She is a member of the CSU Chico Trans Task Force, the secretary for the LGBTQ+ Faculty and Staff Association and the director for CSU Chico Lavender Graduation. Ms. Frawley also teaches anthropology for Butte College.
The classes that she teaches at CSU Chico are:
- QTST310
- QTST320
- MCGS380
Spring 2024 Office Hours
- M 3:00 to 4:00 (Zoom)
- T 2:00-4:00 (in person)
- W 3:00-5:00 (Zoom) or by appointment