Faculty Recognition and Support Committee
From: Robin S. Wilson, President
Subject: Revisions to EM 85-002, Faculty Recognition and Support Committee
Upon recommendation by the Faculty Senate, the attached revisions to the membership and charge of the Faculty Recognition and Support Committee are approved for immediate implementation. This document replaces EM 85-002.
The purpose of the Faculty Recognition and Support Committee is to honor and support the faculty of California State University, Chico for their excellence and achievements in teaching, scholarly, creative, and research activities, and in their contributions to the University and community.
Membership and Terms of Appointment
- Twelve tenured and tenure-track faculty (at least one from each college) representing a diversity of academic fields and achievements in teaching, research, scholarly, and creative activities and in service. Faculty are appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, in consultation with the Provost. Terms of appointment: two year (overlapping appointments).
- One emeritus faculty member appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, in consultation with the Provost. Term of appointment: one year.
- One student, appointed by the Associated Students Board of Directors. Terms of appointment: one year.
- One non-voting administrative representative, appointed by the Provost.
- Appointments will be made by May 1 so that the Committee may set the following academic year's agenda by the end of the spring semester. The Committee will elect a chair and secretary from the faculty appointees and develop their own operating procedures. The agenda will be set by the chair.
To review, formulate, and recommend policy which will maintain, enhance, and recognize professional achievements, teaching excellence, and service contributions of the CSU, Chico faculty. Policy and program recommendations will be forwarded to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
To establish appropriate procedures and criteria for and to select honorees of the following:
- Outstanding Professor Award: To select the recipient of the University's Outstanding Professor Award, who will also be the nominee for the systemwide Outstanding Professor Award.
- Outstanding Teacher Award: To select the recipient of the University's Outstanding Teacher Award.
- Outstanding Achievement Awards: to select recipients of the University's Professional Achievement Awards.
- Professional Advisor Awards: to select the CSU, Chico nominee for the Outstanding Advisor Award, sponsored by the American College Testing Program (ACT) and the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA).
- APACHE Faculty Salute: To select the CSU, Chico nominee for the Faculty Salute, sponsored by the American Association for Higher Education and the Carnegie Foundation.
- Rank in Retirement Lecture Series: To select honored contributors to the Rank in Retirement Lecture Series, whose articles will be published in the University Journal.
- University Journal Recognition: To recommend to the University Journal's Board of Editors an article from the current year's journals which is worthy of particular attention.
To establish procedures and criteria for and to select recipients of the University's distinguished visiting Professor Program.
To establish appropriate evaluation criteria and procedures and to make nominations to the Associate Vice President for Research or designee for the following:
- National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend Program: from a review of concept papers, faculty are selected to submit proposals for the NEH Summer Stipend Program.
- Studies in Teaching and Learning: Funded by the University, the STL program supports the study of teaching and learning and the advancements of the instructional mission of the University.
- Affirmative Action Grants: Funded by the Chancellor's Office, Affirmative Action Grants support proposals to enhance tenure and promotion opportunities for affirmative action faculty.
- Academic Program Improvement Grants: Funded by the Chancellor's Office and subject to their guidelines, MAPI supports proposals to improve the academic programs of the University.
To schedule university colloquia, lectures, debates, etc. independently or in conjunction with the Committee on Arts and Lectures.
To act as liaison with the Committee on Arts and Lectures.
To act as liaison with University's Fine Arts Festival.
To administer awards and recognition from sources outside the CSU System including development of procedure and criteria, solicitation of nominees or applications, selection of recipients, announcement (together with the President) of award recipients, and any other necessary functions. Such administration of awards will take place only when the outside source:
- Requests administrative assistance from the University, or
- Declares the University or any of its representatives to be responsible for the determination of award recipients, and
- The award is determined by the Faculty Recognition Committee, in consultation with the Provost, to be worthy of CSU, Chico participation.
To function in a manner designated by university policy in the overall process of determining Meritorious Performance and Professional Promise Awards or any MOU-designated program which may succeed it.
To formulate, prepare, and manage an annual budget approved by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
To present an annual report of committee activities to the Faculty Senate.