86-001 | January 10, 1986 |
Definitions of a Major and a Minor; Supercedes EM 75-006; Revised Nov. 18, 2005
86-002 | February 5, 1986 |
Redesignation of Schools as Colleges
86-003 | February 27, 1986 |
Instructional Computing Advisory Group (ICAG); Revision to EM 79-002
86-004 | February 18, 1986 |
General Education Program; Supercedes EM 83-010; Superceded by EM 91-005.
86-005 | 1986 |
Adjunct Appointments at CSU, Chico
This Executive Memorandum has been superseded by
EM 17-013 |
86-006 | July 24, 1986 |
Academic Calendars 1987-88 and 1988-89
86-007 | July 31, 1986 |
Policy on Sexual Assault and Gang Sexual Assault; Superceded by EM 91-001
86-008 | August 18, 1986 |
Criteria for the Formation of Schools
86-009 | October 6, 1986 |
Faculty Recognition and Support Committee
86-010 | October 3, 1986 |
Research and Grant Development Council; Replaced by EM 89-016
86-011 | October 31, 1986 |
Student Grievance Procedures Revisions; Supercedes EM 78-009, EM 80-007 and EM 83-007; Superceded EM 89-018
86-012 | December 15, 1986 |
Guidelines for Speech and Advocacy; Superseded by EM 14-013