Policy on Risk Management; Supersedes EM 00-052
From: Paul J. Zingg, President
Subject: Policy on Risk Management; Supersedes EM 00-052
It is the policy of California State University, Chico to maintain a Risk Management Program that fully complies with all Systemwide requirements, including Executive Order 1069 Risk Management and Public Safety, Technical Letter RM 2011-05 Campus Risk Management Policy, Technical Letter RM 2011-06 Insurance Requirements in Contracts, and any other successor Executive Orders or Technical Letters. The program is to be administered in a manner that strongly supports our mission and our priorities: primacy of student learning, the importance of faculty and staff, the value of the wise use of new technologies, the value of service to others, our accountability to the people of the State of California, and sustainability.
Risk Management Program
The Risk Management Program shall describe the on-going methods that the campus uses to identify risks; to evaluate and prioritize those risks based on potential severity and likelihood; to select and implement the best risk management techniques for mitigating those risks; to evaluate potential losses and to identify funding options; and to monitor and evaluate the results of risk management actions.
The Program shall define the primary methods of transferring, preventing, or controlling risk from which the best approach to managing identified risks can be selected. The Program shall also define, in accordance with all applicable Systemwide requirements, the procedures to be used for transferring risk in contracts, service agreements, and purchase/service orders.
Risk Manager
The University Risk Manager shall bear primary responsibility for implementation and maintenance of the Risk Management Program. Program procedures are located in the Risk Management Policy and Procedures Manual.
The University Risk Manager is responsible for establishing, implementing, maintaining and updating the Risk Management Policies and Procedures.
The University Risk Manager will conduct an annual review of the Campus Risk Management Policies and Procedures and initiate any changes to ensure compliance with system-wide requirements.
The University Risk Manager will prepare and submit to the President and Cabinet a report on Risk Management issues, including campus compliance with the Risk Management Program and results of Risk Management activities, by August 1st of each year.
Risk Management Advisory Committee
The Risk Management Advisory Committee shall serve to assist the Risk Manager with implementation and maintenance of the Campus Risk Management Program.
Membership of the Risk Management Advisory Committee shall include:• University Risk Manager• Director of Environmental Health and Safety, or designee• Director of Student Life & Leadership, or designee• Director of University Housing and Food Service, or designee• Chief of University Police, or designee• Provost, or designee• Chair of the Public Safety Advisory Committee
Executive Order 1069 Risk Management and Public Safety Technical Letter RM 2011-05 Risk Management Policy Technical Letter RM 2011-06 Insurance Requirements in Contracts