Office of the President

Title IX Oversight Committee, suspended by EM 24-015

Executive Memorandum 18-019 August 13, 2018

This Executive Memorandum has been suspended by 24-015 .

From: Gayle E. Hutchinson, President 

Subject: Title IX Oversight Committee

Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and the concurrence of the Provost, I approve the Title IX Oversight Committee, effective immediately.

The safety and well-being of our campus community is a priority for California State University, Chico. We are committed to ensuring a safe learning and working environment on our campus. Title IX protects students, educators, and school employees against all forms of sex or gender discrimination, including sexual harassment, dating and domestic violence, and other forms of sexual misconduct, stalking, and retaliation.


According to Executive Order 1095, the campus Title IX Coordinator is responsible for creating a committee of faculty, students, and campus officials to assist and advise the coordinator in their work, namely, of ensuring that employees and students know how to identify and prevent sexual discrimination, harassment, misconduct and assault. This executive memorandum supports the implementation of that directive, and details the membership and responsibilities of the Committee.

The Committee assists the President and Title IX Coordinator in assuring compliance with the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (the SaVE Act); Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; related guidance from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights; related aspects of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA); established University policy; and related aspects of Executive Orders 1095, 1096, 1097, and 1098, or superseding documents.


The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for ensuring implementation of this policy.


The Title IX Oversight Committee will bring awareness of, provide information on, and recommend resources for, the prevention of all forms of sex discrimination (including sexual misconduct) of students, faculty, and staff in order to promote a safer campus environment, and facilitate the goal of physical and programmatic access and equal opportunity for all persons in University educational programs, sponsored activities, employment, campus facilities and events.

The Committee will make recommendations to foster a campus culture in which sex discrimination and sexual misconduct—including rape, sexual or gender based harassment, dating or domestic violence, stalking, and other forms of sexual assault or battery—are not tolerated.


This Policy applies University wide.


The membership of the Title IX Committee shall include:

  • Title IX Coordinator
  • A representative from Academic Personnel
  • Safe Place Advocate/Administrator
  • Representative from Fraternity & Sorority Affairs
  • Dean of Students or designee
  • Athletic Director or designee
  • Chair of Academic Senate or other faculty designee
  • Chief of Police or designee
  • Director of University Housing or designee
  • Associated Students President or designee
  • Gender and Sexuality Equity Center Student Director or designee

The following groups will be notified of the meetings and input should be solicited from these groups as appropriate:

  • Deputy Title IX Coordinators and Investigators
  • Director of the Student Health Center or designee
  • Representative from the Office of Student Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities
  • Clery Director or designee
  • Representative from the Cross Cultural Leadership Center
  • Representative from Public Affairs
  • Safe Place Student Interns
  • Community Legal Information Center Student Director or designee
  • Staff or Faculty members leading Prevention or Bystander Intervention Programming
  • Representative from the Campus Alcohol & Drug Education Center
  • Office of Diversity & Inclusion
  • Members of the Butte County Sexual Assault Response Team


The Title IX Committee meets once per month following public notice, with a work group convened at least once between each meeting.  The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for calling and facilitating the meetings.  When necessary, the decisions of the Title IX Committee are made by a majority of the membership present at public meetings where a quorum is present.  Each year the Title IX Committee will report out to the Academic Senate, Staff Council, and the AS Board of Directors, with a summary of the work done by the Committee in the prior year, and will publish the summary on the Title IX website.


Executive Orders EO 1095R, 1096R, 1097R, and 1098R or superseding policies.

PDF version of EM 18-019  (PDF)