Internships & Volunteers
We offer unpaid internships spring, summer and fall. We welcome Chico State students focusing on Plant & Soil Science, Ag Business, Ag Education, Nutrition and other related majors to intern with us for a semester or two. Internships are a great way to get hands-on experience in all aspects of organic vegetable production. As a student intern you can receive college credit for hours worked and also take home vegetables from the field each week. The OVP offers four different internships: Vegetable Production, Aquaponics, Biogas Management, and Mushroom Production. Email Scott Grist,, for an application.
May 7, 2024: Internships in Vegetable Production and Aquaponics are available now! Read more. (PDF)
We are always overjoyed to have extra help from community members! Being a CSU, Chico student is not a requirement to volunteer although you must be over 18 years of age. In exchange for hours worked, we offer extra produce to take home with you that day. This is a great opportunity to get out in the sunshine, learn about organic farming practices, and bring home some yummy organic produce! Email Scott Grist,, if interested.