Civic Engagement
Co-Teaching & Community Engagement is a part of
Civic Engagement at Chico State.
Aird, H and Teasdale, R, 2017, Determining the Factors that Affect the Effective Incorporation of Active-Learning Techniques into a Large Introductory Geology Class, Poster 163-172, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, No. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-303964 (CSU CRT funded)
Aird, H and Teasdale, R, 2017, Effectiveness of Incorporating Active-Learning Techniques into a Large Introductory Geology Class, Earth Educators’ Rendezvous, Albuquerque, NM (CSU CRT funded)
Alexander, D. and Robb, C. Enhancing Cross-disciplinary Collaboration and Innovation for Engineering and Business Student Teams. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. New Orleans, LA. June 2016.
Alexander, D. and Robb, C. Enhancing Cross-disciplinary Collaboration and Innovation for Engineering and Business Student Teams. Capstone Design Conference Proceedings. Columbus, OH. June 2016.
Atkins Elliott, Leslie and Kim Jaxon. “Making Arguments: Hackable Labs and the Construction of Scientific Claims.” Poster presentation at FabLearnStanford, Palo Alto, CA. October 2017
Atkins Elliott, Leslie, Kim Jaxon, and Irene Yun Salter (2016). Composing Science: A Facilitator’s Guide to Writing in the Science Classroom. Teachers College Press. (NSF project funded: DUE-1140860)
Atkins Elliott, Leslie, and Kim Jaxon. “Writing in the Sciences.” Workshop presentation at the American Association of Physics Teachers, San Diego, CA. January 2015.
Browne, L. & Roll, S. (2016). Toward a More Just Approach to Poverty Simulations. Journal of Experiential Education, 39(3) 254–268.
Browne, L. & Roll, S. (2015). Learning how to teach poverty: A case for community of practice. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies & Recreation Education, 30(1).
Buffardi, K., Robb, C. and Rahn, D. Implementing the Tech Startup Model: A Retrospective on Year One. Accepted at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, UT. June 2018.
Buffardi, K., Robb, C. and Rahn, D. Learning Agile with Tech Startup Software Engineering Projects. Accepted at the Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Annual Conference. Bologna, Italy. July 2017.
Buffardi, K., Robb, C., and Rahn, D. (2017) Tech startups: realistic software engineering projects with interdisciplinary collaboration. Journal of Computing Sciences in College. 32(4): 93-98.
Jaxon, Kim and Leslie Atkins Elliott. “Composing Science.” NWP Radio(opens in new window). BlogTalk Radio. 20 Jan. 2017. Radio.
Jaxon, Kim. “Not Rocket Science: Students’ Multimodal Compositions in Science.” Paper presented at the National Conference on College Composition and Communication, Portland, OR. March 2017.
Jaxon, Kim and Leslie Atkins Elliott. “Composing Science” Talk and workshop for the National Writing Project Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. November 2016.
Jaxon, Kim and Leslie Atkins Elliott. “Composing Science” Invited workshop for science faculty at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. November 2016.
Jaxon, Kim and Leslie Atkins Elliott. “Composing Science: Using Writing Effectively in Science Classrooms.” Series of invited workshops for science faculty at Miami University, Oxford, OH. Howe Center for Writing Excellence. September 2016.
Jaxon, Kim and Leslie J. Atkins. “Composition in Scientific Inquiry: SeuratSpots, Disco Balls, and the Making of Meaning in Science.” Paper presented at the National Conference on College Composition and Communication, Indianapolis, IN March 2014.
Robb, C., Rahn, D., and Buffardi, K. Tech Startups: A Model for Realistic Software Engineering Project Collaboration. USASBE Conference Proceedings. Philadelphia, PA. January 2017.
Robb, C. and Alexander, A. (2017) Cross-disciplinary Competition: Entrepreneurship and Engineering Lessons Learned. USASBE Conference Proceedings. Philadelphia, PA. January 2017.
Roll, S., & Browne, L. (2017). Students as co-researchers to inform student learning: Findings from a poverty simulation. Action Research, 147675031772396.
Schademan, S., Thompson, M. (2015). Are College Faculty and First-Generation, Low-Income Students Ready for Each Other? Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 0(0), 1-23
Selkin, P, Goodell, L, Teasdale, R, 2015, Changes in Student Knowledge and Views of Geohazards, Societal Risks, and Monitoring at Active Plate Boundaries Using a Data-Rich Curriculum ED14B-01, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, California, 14-18 Dec 2015. (externally funded)
Teasdale, R, Hatfield, C Stone, J, Clements, P, Altier, L, Hankins, D, Willard, E, Accepted,Modified use of InTeGrate Curriculum in the Sustainability General Education Program at California State University, Chico, Interdisciplinary Teaching about Earth and the Environment for a Sustainable Future, Springer Association of Environmental Sciences and Studies (AESS) Book Series. (externally funded)
Teasdale, R, Hatfield, C, Grelle, B, Stone, J, Willard, E, Altier, L, Hankins, D, Clements, P, Integrating Sustainability: Adapting InTeGrate Modules for Sustainability Pathway Courses to Engage Students in Societal Issues at CSU, Chico, presented at: Earth Educator’s Rendezvous(opens in new window), Madison WI, July 2016; (externally funded)
Teasdale, R, Hatfield, C and 6 others, 2016, Engaging Students in Sustainability: A Faculty Learning Community to InTeGrate high-impact learning modules in the Sustainability Pathway, CSU, Chico (externally funded)
Teasdale, R, Hatfield, C, Altier, L, Clements, P, Grelle, B, Hankins, D, Stone, J, Willard, E, 2015, Integrate Sustainability: A Suite of Curricular Modules for Sustainability Pathway courses to Engage Students in Societal Issues; This Way to Sustainability Conference, CSU, Chico, March 2016 (externally funded)
Teasdale, R, Hatfield, C and 6 others, 2016, Integrating Sustainability: Adapting InTeGrate Modules for Sustainability Pathway courses to Engage Students in Societal Issues at CSU, Chico, Earth Educator’s Rendezvous, July 2016 (externally funded)
Teasdale, R, Selkin, P, Teasdale, R, Accepted, Evaluation of student learning, self-efficacy and perception of the value of geologic monitoring from Living on the Edge, an InTeGrate curriculum module, Journal of Geoscience Education. (externally funded)
Teasdale, R, van der Hoeven Kraft, K, Poland MP, 2015, Using near-real-time monitoring data from Pu’u’ O’o vent at Kīlauea Volcano for training and educational purposes, Journal of Applied Volcanology, 4 (11).
Teasdale, R, Goodell, L, Selkin, P, Riggins, S, 2015, Living on the Edge: Engaging Students in Evaluating Hazards and Societal Risks at Active Plate Boundaries, Earth Educator’s Rendezvous, July 2015.
Teasdale, R, Aird, H, Greene, T, Bykerk-Kaufman, A, Shapiro, R, 2016, Geology in the Field: Assessing and Redesigning Field Courses to Improve Student Learning in the Geology Program at CSU, Chico, presented at Earth Educators’ Rendezvous, Madison, WI July 2016. (CSU, Chico CELT funded)
Thompson, M., Schademan, A. (2018). Co-Teaching as Transformative Activity in Teacher Professional Development, American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York City, NY.