Graduation Advising

DPR with In Progress (IP) Transfer Credit

DPR (Classic)

Students in progress in a course at Chico State will show a yellow diamondand the grade will be blank. 

Students in progress in a course at another school will show a yellow diamond and the grade will be IP.

 Classic DPR

DPR (New)

Students in progress in a course at Chico State or at another school will show as   New IP

 New DPR

Course History (Classic)

Students in progress in a course at Chico State will show a yellow diamond and the grade will be blank. 

Students in progress in a course at another school will show a transfer arrow and the grade will be IP.

  Classic Course History

Course List (New)

Students in progress in a course at Chico State will show as New IP Icon

Students in progress in a course at another school will show a New transfer icon 

and the grade will be IP.

New DPR Course List 1 big

New DPR course list 2 

Transfer Credit (Classic and New)

Grade of IP will be listed on both the incoming course and the transfer equivalent course.

 Transfer Credit List