Katie Raymond
- Email: karaymond@csuchico.edu
- Phone: 530-898-4904
CURE-E Course: Introduction to Statistics (MATH 105), first introduced with CURE-E Fall 2023
Project Title: Finding the Joy in Statistics
- Students will work in groups of 4 based on similar interests. They will use a data set search engine (Kaggle) to choose a data set that they will be working with the entire semester. There will be certain requirements for the data set including file size, number of variables, etc. Students will upload their data set to StatCrunch (the statistical software used in Math 105)
- Throughout the semester, students will be analyzing their data set with the end goal of creating a poster presentation to present their research.
- Students will work on weekly labs in class with their groups. The labs will serve as a first draft of exploration into the research questions. These weekly labs will consist of:
- Creating testable hypothesis about the data in their data set.
- Creating graphical displays on different variables in their data set- both quantitative and qualitative.
- Performing different types of statistical analysis that we will learn over the course of the semester on their data and interpreting the conclusions.
- By the end of the semester, students will be able to determine which statistical analysis will best help them answer their research questions and hypothesis.
- The project will be done in stages and be revised several times in the process.
- Students will use google docs and google slides to summarize and organize their findings.
- The end goal is a research poster that will be presented during finals week using this template. Students will (hopefully) have enough information, research, and data analysis to answer the research questions they came up with in the beginning of the semester.