93-001 | January 27, 1993 |
Animal Welfare Policy; Replaces EM 91-015; Revised by EM 09-006
93-002 | February 17, 1993 |
Approval for Termination of BS in Home Economics
93-003 | February 17, 1993 |
Add and Drop Procedures; Supercedes EM 81-013; Superceded by EM 96-052
93-004 | April 05, 1993 |
Human Subjects Policy; Superseded and Decommissioned by EM 23-030
This Executive Memorandum has been decommissioned with
EM 23-030 |
93-005 | April 15, 1993 |
Revised Organization of the School of Education; Rescinded by EM 11-007
93-006 | April 15, 1993 |
Department of Communication Arts and Sciences
93-007 | May 12, 1993 |
Certificate in Public History
93-008 | May 14, 1993 |
Resolution for Creating and Implementing a Required Orientation Program for New Students
93-009 | May 19, 1993 |
Guidelines for Faculty/Student Relationships
93-010 | July 09, 1993 |
Policy for Registration Priorities
93-011 | January 03, 1994 |
Not Issued (See EM 93-017)
93-012 | August 30, 1993 |
Approval of Center for Manufacturing Excellence
93-013 | August 30, 1993 |
Approval of Center for Geographic Education
93-014 | September 02, 1993 |
1993-1994 Writing Proficiency Courses
93-015 | September 01, 1993 |
Revision to the BA in Psychology
93-016 | September 08, 1993 |
Revisions to the BA in Speech Pathology and Audiology
93-017 | November 30, 1993 |
Proposed Revisions to EM 93-011, Budget-Induced Academic Program Elimination Procedure FS 93-20
93-018 | November 16, 1993 |
Approval of the Center for Mathematics and Science Education
93-019 | December 03, 1993 |
Approval of the Pacific Wellness Institute