President Steve Perez has appointed a Strategic Planning Steering Committee to help guide the development of a new strategic plan. The committee will be gathering input from the campus community in 2024 as we begin to create Chico State’s “playbook," inspired by Patrick Lencioni's book, The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business.
Strategic Plan 2024
- Why do we exist? (Core Purpose)
- How do we behave? (Core Values)
- What do we do? (University Definition)
- How will we succeed? (Strategic Anchors)
- What are we building? (Strategic Initiatives)
- Who must do what? (Roles & Responsibilities)
Phase 1
Defining the Process (Complete)Spring 2024
- Convene the Strategic Planning Steering Committee
- Draft answers to questions 1-4 defining who we are, why we exist, and how we behave
- Gather initial feedback from select campus and community stakeholders
Phase 2
Feedback Analysis and Sense Making (In progress)Summer 2024
- Analyze feedback and ideas from stakeholder groups
- Use results to further develop and refine answers to questions 1-4 of The Advantage for a Chico State Playbook
- Identify additional constituent groups for engagement and feedback
Phase 3
Campus-wide Engagement and Writing (Upcoming)Fall 2024
- Present draft of Chico State Playbook to entire campus community for feedback
- Strategic Planning Steering Committee reviews and incorporates feedback
- Committee writes final draft of the Chico State Playbook
Phase 4
Campus-wide Engagement and Writing of Action Plan (Upcoming)Spring 2025
- Develop and draft answers to questions 5-6 of The Advantage for Chico State Playbook action plan
- Present draft of the action plan to the campus community for feedback
- Further develop and refine action plan that will operationalize the Chico State Playbook
- Strategic Plan Steering Committee
- Angela Trethewey, Dean College of Education and Communication (Co-Chair)
- Cirilo Cortez, AVP of Student Engagement (Co-Chair)
- Tasha Alexander, Coordinator for International Education and Global Engagement
- Stacie Corona, AVP Financial Services
- Teresita Curiel, Director for Latinx Equity and Success
- Tricia Douthit, Senior Director for Institutional Research and Strategic Analytics
- Ashley Gebb, Executive Director for University Communications
- Zach Justus, Director for Faculty Development
- Yvonne Martini, Associate Director for IT Support Services
- Rachel McBride, Director of Tribal Relations
- Kate McCarthy, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Academic Success
- Lori Miller, Special Assistant to the President
- Matthew Teague Miller, Associate Chair of Music, Theatre and Dance Department
- Joseph Morales, Chief Diversity Officer
- Juanita Mottley, AVP for Student Affairs
- Patrick Newell, Librarian
- Sonia S Quintero, Graduate Student MPA program
- Daniel Sargent, Assistant Professor in Music, Theatre and Dance Department
- Seema Sehrawat, Chief of Staff
- Randy Southall, AVP for Facilities Management and Planning
- Jennifer Trujillo, Graduate Student
- Jennifer Underwood, Vice Chair Computer Animation and Game Development Program
- Chong Yang, Director of Enrollment Management Data Analytics and Operations
- Presidential Communications
- April 4, 2024 - Steering Committee Begins Work on New Strategic Plan(opens in new window)(opens in new window)
- February 1, 2024 - Crucial Conversations Ahead this Spring(opens in new window)(opens in new window)
- December 20, 2023 - In Celebration of a Successful Fall and a Look Ahead to (opens in new window)(opens in new window)2024(opens in new window)
- Community Agreements
After receiving recommendations from Cozen O'Connor and the Chancellor's Office, Chico State formed an Implementation Team in late Spring 2023. The team was divided into five subcommittees. One of these subcommittees, the Other Conduct of Concern subcommittee, which consisted of four core members (two faculty and two staff), was responsible for developing a Statement of Conduct that covers unprofessional conduct, microagressions, acts of intolerance, distruptive behavior, free speech, academic freedom, and professionalism. At President Perez's recommendation, the subcommittee shifted from developing the Statement of Conduct to creating Community Agreements. The subcommittee expanded its circle by inviting other community members (students, faculty, staff) to participate in drafting the document. After drafting the Community Agreements in the fall of 2023, the Other Conduct of Concern Subcommittee conducted several meetings in the spring of 2024 with various campus stakeholders (students, faculty and staff) to seek their feedback on the document. More than 300 Chico State community members (students, faculty and staff) provided feedback on the Community Agreements. Here is the list of stakeholders consulted:
1. President's Cabinet
2. Chair Council
3. University Strategic Plan Committee
4. Provost Advisory Council
5. Associated Students (Government Affairs Committee)
6. Academic Senate
7. University Diversity Council
8. Staff Council
9. Labor Council
10. Affinity Groups
a. Black Faculty and Staff Association
11. Division Leadership
a. Business and Finance Leadership Team
b. Academic Technologies Staff
c. All MPP's & Department Chairs
Having updated the document based on the feedback received, the subcommittee is currently gathering endorsements from campus stakeholders and discussing the next steps of transforming the aspirational document into a tangible reality across our campus. The Other Conduct of Concern subcommittee welcomes any feedback or suggestions on the document. - Master Plan
The CSU, Chico 2030 Master Plan (2030 MP) describes the agreed upon plan and physical framework needed to accommodate growth and change on the CSU Chico Campus over the next ten to twenty years.
Closely tied to the University Strategic Plan, the Master Plan affirms a compelling set of goals, none of which are more important than building a community of learning and hope worthy of the trust that our students and the people of California have placed in us.