Implementation Team
Accomplishments through February 2024
- Chief of Staff – Seema Sehrawat (co-chair)
- Assistant Vice President of Equal Opportunity and Dispute Resolution - Erika Romo (co-chair)
- Associated Students President for 2023-24 – Autumn Alaniz-Wiggins
- Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Success – Mahalley Allen
- Department Chair, Journalism and Public Relations – Janell Bauer
- Academic Senate Representative - Tim Sistrunk
- Basic Needs Project – Emma Jewett
- Director of Faculty Affairs Labor Relations – Scott Lynch
- Advocate/Administrator, Wellcat Safe Place – Sawyer McAvoy
- Director, Student Rights and Responsibilities – Maleta Wilson
- Associate Vice President for Human Resources – Sheryl Woodward
- Executive Director of University Communications – Ashley Gebb
- Assistant Professor, English - Nathan Heggins Bryant
- Director, Recreational Sports - Kendall Ross
- Clinical Director, WellCat Counseling Center - Ines Duenas
- Student and Safe Space Peer Lead - Katie Callahan
- Director of Adaptive Dispute Resolution Director - Seya Lumeya
- Chico State Graduate Student - Emma Contreras
- Chico State Student - Lexi Coffman
- Associate Vice President for Student Affairs - Juanita Mottley
- Clery Director and Compliance Investigator - Erin A. Tarabini
- Administrative Support -Julia Lape
- Infrastructure and Resources: Sheryl Woodward (lead), Emma Jewett, Katie Callahan, Seema Sehrawat
Focuses on developing a project plan to address infrastructure and resource gaps related to Title IX and DHR programs, including if the current physical location of the Title IX and DHR office (Kendall Hall) meet client needs. - Strengthening Internal Protocols: Mahalley Allen (lead), Erika Romo, Scott Lynch, Emma Contreras
Focuses on accountability and strengthening internal protocols within the Title IX and DHR programs. - Communications: Ashley Gebb (co-lead), Janell Bauer (co-lead), Kendall Ross
Focuses on maintaining transparency and accountability with our internal and external stakeholders, while using marketing and website improvements to create greater awareness of policies and resources related to Title IX and DHR programs. - Prevention and Education: Sawyer McAvoy (lead), Autumn Alaniz-Wiggins, Ines Duenas, Lexi Coffman, Juanita Mottley, Erin A. Tarabini
Focuses on attention to programming, training, professional development, and awareness related to Title IX and DHR programs and promoting legal compliance with the Violence Against Women Act provisions of the Clery Act. - Other Conduct of Concern: Seya Lumeya (lead), Maleta Wilson, Nathan Heggins Bryant, Tim Sistrunk
Focuses on developing a statement of conduct in conjunction with the Chancellor's Office that encompasses unprofessional conduct, microaggressions, acts of intolerance, disruptive behavior, free speech, academic freedom, and professionalism as well as strengthening the protocols of professional development.
Additional Resources
- Chico Implementation Team meeting agendas
- Chico Implementation Team Feedback Session Slide Deck - November 29, 2023 (PDF)
- Chico State's Revised Implementation Plan (PDF) submitted to Chancellor's Office - February 7, 2024
Strengthening Title IX/Discrimination Harassment and Retaliation (DHR) Programs Questionnaire