Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Research Compliance

We love research and believe it is a critical learning tool for students, staff and faculty alike. In addition, the knowledge that we co-create helps us in myriad ways to be better scientists, practitioners, and citizens of the North State.

One of our main tasks is to ensure that research conducted on our campus follows the ethical principles and federal regulations for the protection of human and animal subjects, and even DNA. We are in the process of getting our policies and protocols updated so that you have the tools you need to lead, participate in, and conduct solid and ethical research.

There are several Executive Memoranda (EMs) that guide this work:

The Research Compliance Team consists of the following faculty & staff:

For information about research with Human Subjects, please visit the Protection of Human Subjects webpage.

For information about research with Animal Subjects, please visit the Animal Care and Use webpage.

For information about research with recombinant DNA, please contact Sharon Ruggirello, Research Compliance Coordinator, or Carolynn Arpin, IBC Chair.