Book in Common


Discussion Questions

  • How do the two quotes at the start of the book, by Frederick Douglass and Toni Morrison, introduce the main concepts, complexities, and contradictions in America’s reckoning with the history of slavery?
  • In the “Author’s Note,” Smith explains that he visited the locations discussed in the book from October 2017 to February 2020. So many things happened during these years, but what events should we remember when reading this book? Smith provides us with one: “in May, 2017 – after the statue of Robert E. Lee near downtown New Orelans had been taken down from its sixty-foot pedestal – that I became obsessed with how slavery is remembered and reckoned with… Our country is in a moment, at an inflection point.” (p.6)
  • How would you describe the author’s relationship with his hometown of New Orleans?
  • Have you reflected upon the history of your hometown (or Chico), its public monuments, and its street names? If so, is your experience similar or different to Smith’s? If not, what questions do you have about your hometown after reading the Prologue?


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