Biological Sciences

Vertebrate Museum

The CSU, Chico (CSUC) Vertebrate Museum collections are comprised mostly of specimens collected from the mid 1930s to present, although many of our animals (e.g., exotic birds), acquired through trades or donations, date back to the latter part of the 19th century.  Biology faculty and supporters including Dr. Vesta Holt, Dr. Lloyd and Elizabeth Ingles, and Dr. Tom Rodgers, to name but a few, were among the contributors to the early development of our vertebrate collections.

Although active collection by shooting, trapping, and netting were commonplace during the formative years of the museum, salvage as well as donations coming from state and federal agencies have been the most common means of specimen acquisition since the late 1970s.

The Vertebrate Museum is primarily used by CSU Chico students in upper division courses such as Ornithology, Waterfowl Biology and Wetland Management, Mammalogy, Herpetology, and Ichthyology. The museum also serves as a site for visits from other biology classes as well as classes from other CSUC departments and colleges. In addition, we host tours for K-12 students in association with the CSUC Hands On Lab program.

To schedule a tour, please email Sandra Scholten,

Please note: the Vertebrate Museum is available for viewing by appointment only. Thank you for your understanding.