Office of the President

Executive Memoranda 1994

List of Executive Memoranda (1994)
94-001January 04, 1994 Revisions to EM 92-019, Administrative Officer Selection and Review Policies and Procedures
94-002January 13, 1994 (Revised January 1, 2010) Revisions to EM 82-004, Benefits for Retired Staff
94-003February 24, 1994 Academic Calendars for 1995-96 and 1996-97
94-004March 18, 1994 Policy on Student Organization Banking
94-005April 14, 1994 Approval for the Transfer of Ethnic and Women's Studies from ILIS to the College of Behavior and Social Sciences as the Center for Multicultural and Gender Studies
94-006April 21, 1994 Deletion of Minor in Physical Science
94-007April 21, 1994 Deletion of Minor in Geology
94-008April 21, 1994 Approval to Combine the BS in Physical Science and the BS in Geology into the BS in Geosciences
94-009April 21, 1994 Approval for Transfer of the Master of Rural and Town Planning from the Social Science Program to the Department of Geography and Planning
94-010April 21, 1994 Revisions to the BS in Nursing
94-011April 21, 1994 Revisions to the Option in General Mathematics in the BS in Mathematics
94-012April 21, 1994 Approval for Minor in Geosciences
94-013April 21, 1994 Approval for Minor in Conflict Resolution
94-014April 21, 1994 Revisions to the Minor in Statistics
94-015April 21, 1994 Revisions to the Minor in Italian
94-016April 21, 1994 Revisions to the BA in International Relations
94-017April 21, 1994 Revisions to the BA in Political Science
94-018April 21, 1994 Approval for Minor in Linguistics
94-019April 21, 1994 Deletion of Minor in Collective Bargaining
94-020April 21, 1994 Revisions to the Minor in European Studies
94-021April 21, 1994 Approval for Reorganization of the Institute for Liberal and Interdisciplinary Studies (ILIS)
94-022April 27, 1994 Student Grievance Procedures Revisions; Supersedes EM 92-011
94-023May 04, 1994 Revisions to BA in Journalism
94-024May 13, 1994 Additional Revisions to the BS in Mathematics
94-025May 23, 1994 Revisions to BS in Agricultural Business
94-026May 26, 1994 Revisions to the BS in Agriculture
94-027May 26, 1994 Department of Art and Art History
94-028May 26, 1994 MS in Geosciences
94-029June 07, 1994 Approval for Bachelor of Science with a Major in Geosciences
94-030June 22, 1994 Certificate in Theory and Practice of College Composition
94-031June 23, 1994 Certificate in Forensic Identification
94-032July 22, 1994 Revisions to Option in Finance
94-033July 22, 1994 Revisions to Option in Accounting
94-034July 22, 1994 Revisions to Option in Media Arts
94-035July 22, 1994 Revisions to Single Subject Preparation Program in History and Social Science
94-036July 22, 1994 Revisions to BA in American Studies
94-037July 22, 1994 Revisions to BS in Electrical/Electronic Engineering
94-038July 22, 1994 Revisions to Option in Statistics
94-039July 25, 1994 Bylaws of the Academic Senate, Constitution of the Academic Senate, Constitution of the Faculty; Superseded by EM 04-035
94-040August 04, 1994 Revisions to BA in Art
94-041December 12, 1994 Policy on Sexual Harassment; Revisions to EM 92-012; Superseded by EM 99-020
94-042August 18, 1994 Revisions to Minor in Health Science
94-043August 18, 1994 Revisions to Minor in Health Services Administration
94-044August 25, 1994 Deletion of Electronics and Computer Technology Pattern
94-045August 30, 1994 Revisions to Single Subject Matter Preparation Program in Social Science
94-046September 07, 1994 Revisions to BA in Social Science
94-047October 25, 1994 Policy and Procedures for Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities; Superseded by EM 99-021
94-048September 08, 1994 Revisions to BS in Industrial Technology
94-049 Not Issued
94-050September 27, 1994 Campus Policy on Campus Commercial Underwriting
94-051October 17, 1994 Approval for Termination of the Bachelor of Vocational Education (BVE) Program
94-052October 17, 1994 Approval for Revisions to the BS in Health Science
94-053October 28, 1994 Deletion of Minor in Canadian Studies
94-054October 28, 1994 Approval for Bachelor of Science with a Major in Environmental Science
94-055November 14, 1994 Policy for Distribution of Mail and Printed Materials by University Employees
94-056November 14, 1994 Option in Mathematics Education
94-057November 30, 1994 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
94-058November 30, 1994 Department of Computer Science
94-059December 09, 1994 Deletion of Option in Allied Health and Gerontology
94-060December 20, 1994 Experimental Multiple Subject and Single Subject Credential...
94-061December 20, 1994 Multiple Subjects and Single Subject Credentials with Cross-cultural, Language, and Academic Development (CLAD) Emphasis