Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Chico State Faculty Books

The Division of Academic Affairs would like to recognize our faculty who have published books during the past two years. It is such an accomplishment to have your work published, and we want to emphasize the incredible research going on at Chico State. If you have published a book recently and would like to be added to the list, please provide us a link to your book (through the publisher's web site), along with a brief description of your involvement (i.e. author, editor, chapter writer, illustrator, etc.) via with the subject "Faculty Book: (title of book)."


Stephen Lewis' latest book Mexico's Unscripted RevolutionMexico's Unscripted Revolutions: Political and Social Change since 1958(opens in new window)

Stephen E. Lewis (History)

History professor Stephen LewisIn Mexico’s Unscripted Revolutions: Political and Social Change Since 1958, distinguished historian Stephen Lewis offers a well-argued—and provocative—presentation of Mexico’s recent “unofficial” grassroots revolutions. The book explores generational change and youthful rebellion in the 1960s and the emergence of second-wave feminism in the 1970s. It also discusses Mexico’s uniquely protracted democratic transition, initiated by the hegemonic Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) but pushed forward at critical moments by ordinary citizens, opposition parties, and even armed insurgencies.

Please click here to view this book's listing in the Meriam Library!

Angela Gapa's newest book The Politics of New African Resource Discoveries in the Post-Curse EraThe Politics of New African Resource Discoveries in the Post-Curse Era(opens in new window)

Angela Zivo Gapa, editor and contributor (Political Science and Criminal Justice)

Political science professor Angela GapaOver the past three decades, Africa's resource landscape has undergone significant shifts, with new mineral, oil, and natural gas discoveries coinciding with the increase in global demand for mineral and hydrocarbon resources, and advancements in green technology. In The Politics of New African Resource Discoveries in the Post-Curse Era, edited by Angela Zivo Gapa, scholars and practitioners delve into the intricate dynamics of jackpot resource discoveries in Africa, providing insight into how African governments have managed these discoveries in the post-resource-curse era. Through a series of African case studies, this book critically examines whether Africa stands on the cusp of a post-resource-curse era or if historical patterns of the resource paradox will continue to persist. The contributors explore interventions ranging from citizen feedback mechanisms to institutional restructuring to determine whether recent resource discoveries hold the promise of economic growth and poverty alleviation or if they remain constrained by the global political economy. This book is a collaborative effort to deepen the understanding of global natural resource politics and promote African agency in managing substantial resource windfalls.


Cover of Firescaping Your HomeFirescaping Your Home: A Manual for Readiness in Wildfire Country(opens in new window)

Adrienne Edwards and Rachel Schleiger (Biological Sciences)

Rachel Schleiger and Adrienne EdwardsWildfires are burning over longer seasons and more intensely than ever before, and everyone living in a wildland-urban interface or wildland-adjacent area should take precautionary steps to mitigate the risk of property damage. In Firescaping Your Home, Adrienne Edwards and Rachel Schleiger provide expert guidance and specific recommendations on how to harden your home against fire and create defensible space that is lush and attractive. They also provide in-depth native plant lists of hundreds of species that have evolved to coexist with fire in the West, and show how and why including these on your property sustains wildlife and can actually be your most powerful defense.

Please click here to view this book's listing in the Meriam Library!

Cover of toward a stranger & more posthuman social studiesToward a Stranger & More Posthuman Social Studies(opens in new window)

Bretton A. Varga (School of Education), Timothy Monreal, and Rebecca C. Christ, editors

Bretton VargaPosthumanism has seen a surge across the humanities and offers a unique perspective, seeking to illuminate the role that more-than-human actors (e.g., affect, artifacts, objects, flora, fauna, other materials) play in the human experience. This book challenges the field of social studies education to think differently about the precarious status of the world (i.e., climate crisis, ongoing fights for racial equity, and Indigenous sovereignty). By cultivating a greater sense of attunement to the more-than-human, educators and scholars can foster more ethical ways of teaching, learning, researching, being, and becoming. In an effort to push the boundaries of what constitutes social studies, chapter authors engage with a wide range of disciplines and offer unique perspectives from various locations across the globe.

Please click here to visit this book’s listing in the Meriam Library!

 Cover of The Legal and Ethical Environment of BusinessThe Legal and Ethical Environment of Business(opens in new window)

Terance Lau (Business) and Lisa Johnson

Terence LauThe Legal and Ethical Environment of Business is a concise presentation of the key business-law topics that ensures every page is relevant, engaging, and interesting to today’s learners. Summaries of cases and case excerpts improve student understanding. Plentiful embedded video links expand on topics to shed light on how law and ethics impact real-world business situations. This book encourages students to retain what they learn by understanding the reasons behind the law, rather than simply memorizing facts and cases.

Please click here to view this book's listing in the Meriam Library!

Cover of Science and Religions in AmericaScience and Religion in America: A New Look(opens in new window)

Greg Cootsona (Comparative Religion and Humanities)

Greg CootsonaWhat is religion? What is science? How do they interact with each other? Science and Religions in America: A New Look offers a cutting-edge overview of the diverse range of religious traditions and their complex and fascinating interaction with science. Pluralistic in scope, the book is different from traditional Christian and/or monotheistic approaches to studying the rich interplay of religion and science in multi-religious American culture.

Please click here to view this book's listing in the Meriam Library!

 Cover of rhetoric in time of tortureRhetoric in the Time of Torture(opens in new window)

Laura A. Sparks (English)

Laura sparksIn Rhetoric in the Time of Torture, Laura A. Sparks investigates how rhetoric and interrogational torture are imbricated with one another, troubling clear distinctions between persuasion and violence. In light of the U.S. government’s post-9/11 reliance on heavy interrogation techniques, Sparks offers a renewed attention to the rhetorical and temporal dimensions of torture, including the ways in which techniques utilized by military interrogators are intertwined with violent action. The author introduces compelling temporal logics related to imminence, surveillance, and prisoners’ world-times, among others, illuminating how temporal concerns figure in both justifications for and practices of torture. Ultimately, Sparks invites readers to consider where rhetoric fits in a world where people torture others to make them speak. Scholars of communication, rhetoric, and political science will find this book of particular interest.

Please click here to view this book's listing in the Meriam Library!