General Education

Implementation of Fall 22 GE Minors

Schedule of 2019-22 public events for implementation of EM 19-021.  Please find additional consultation listed separately.

Fall 2019

Exploring New Possibilities (Weeks 1-4)

  • CAB meeting (August 27, 12-2, SSC 122, open to the public): discussion of implementation policies and procedures
  • EPPC (August 29, KNDL 207/209, open to the public): discussion of implementation policies and procedures
  • Student Senate (August 30): discussion of implementation policies and procedures
  • Campus Forum (September 10, 12-2, 2nd floor of ARTS, open to the public): discussion of revising the number and/or title of upper-division Pathways and corresponding GE Minors
  • Campus Forum Online Comments (September 10-September 20)

Forming Recommendations (Weeks 5-9)

  • CAB meeting (September 24, 12-2, SSC 122, open to the public): revising the number and/or title of upper-division Pathways and corresponding GE Minors, discussion item. Agenda. (PDF)
  • CAB subcommittee (October 1, 12-2, SSC 122, open to the public): drafting a recommendation for CAB introduction item
  • CAB subcommittee (October 4, 2-2:30, SSC 466, open to the public): drafting a recommendation for CAB introduction item
  • CAB meeting (October 8, 12-2, SSC 122, open to the public): revising the number and/or title of upper-division Pathways and corresponding GE Minors, introduction item. Agenda (PDF).
  • CAB meeting (October 22, 12-2, SSC 122, open to the public): revising the number and/or title of upper-division Pathways and corresponding GE Minors, action item. Agenda (PDF)
    • Upper-Division Pathway and GE Minor recommendations:
      • Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
      • California: People, Place, and Cultures
      • Equity, Ethics, and Policy
      • Gender and Sexuality
      • Global Studies
      • Health and Wellness
      • Innovation, Design, and the Arts
      • Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty
      • Science, Technology, and Society
      • Sustainability and Climate Change
  • CAB meeting (October 29, 12-2, SSC 122, open to the public): approving working descriptions for each recommended upper-division Pathway and GE Minor. Agenda (PDF).

Situating the Courses (Weeks 10-15)

  • October 31: Custom, Department-specific, forms emailed to all chairs and directors of programs that currently offer one or more GE courses.
  • EPPC (October 31, KNDL 207/209, open to the public): discussion item. Explanation of campus feedback, CAB's recommended upper-division Pathways and GE Minors, and the next steps in the implementation of EM 19-021.
  • Chairs' Council (November 1). Presentation of CAB's recommended upper-division Pathways and GE Minors, and explanation of upper-division Pathway and GE Minor department forms. 
  • November 20: Form 1 deadline (Upper-Division Pathway designations for existing GE courses).  Form 1 emailed to Department chairs on October 31.
    • In the interest of creating a sustainable GE program that takes into consideration Department/College resource allocation, on December 7 CAB returned a summary list of courses proposed for each Upper-Division Pathway to the Chairs of Departments who offer courses in Upper-Division Areas B, C, and/or D. CAB asked that by December 13, Chairs/Deans consider/confirm the distribution of courses across the Upper-Division Pathways.
    • CAB will work with Chairs in the Spring 2020 semester to resolve any outstanding issues (GC, USD, W distribution) and approve the courses in each Upper-Division Pathway.
  • CAB meeting (December 10, 12-2, SSC 122, open to the public): discussion of Form 1, Upper-Division Pathway, proposals for existing GE classes. Agenda (PDF).
  • December 20: Form 2 deadline (Optional request for GE Minor course status; update GE Course Titles/Descriptions; and/or change USD, GC, W). Form 2 emailed to Department Chairs on October 31.

Spring 2020 

Final Recommendations and Senate Implementation 

  • January 6-17: "Consultation with Academic Advising, the Enrollment Management Advisory Committee, and college deans [to determine whether to] recommend a call for new GE course proposals in one or more areas based on programmatic needs and historical and projected student demand data.  The date and rationale will be publicly available at  If there is no need for additional courses in any Subject Area, Subarea, upper-division Pathway, or GE Minor there will be no call for new courses to GE." (EM 19-021)
  • CAB meeting (January 21, 12-2, SSC 122, open to the public): CAB meets to discuss consultation (deans, advising, etc., per EM 19-021) and determine whether to issue a call for new GE classes. Agenda (PDF).
  • January 21: Call for new GE course proposals
  • CAB subcommittee meetings (January 28, 12-2, SSC 122): drafting GC/USD recommendations
  • Academic Senate (January 30, KNDL 207/209, open to the public): information item (senators informed of upcoming meetings, including open subcommittee meetings on February 3)
  • January 31: Deadline for new GE course proposals (Chairs/Deans notified of possible timeline on December 12; Call for Proposals sent to Chairs/Deans on January 21; All Faculty reminder sent on January 28)
  • CAB subcommittee meetings (February 3, SSC 122, open to the public): drafting GE Minor course population recommendations for CAB. Summary of courses proposed for GE Minors.
    • 8-850: Agriculture, Food, and the Environment; Global Studies; and Sustainability and Climate Change.
    • 12-1250: Health and Wellness; Equity, Ethics, and Policy; Gender and Sexuality; and Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty.
    • 1-150: California: People, Place, and Cultures; Innovation, Design, and the Arts; and Science, Technology, and Society.
  • CAB meeting (February 4, 12-2, SSC 122, open to the public): all 10 GE Minors, discussion item. Agenda (PDF).
  • CAB meeting (February 11, 12-2, SSC 122, open to the public): all 10 GE Minors, introduction item. Agenda (PDF).
  • EPPC (February 20, KNDL 207/209, open to the public): 5 GE Minors, discussion item. EPPC Discussion Item (PDF).
  • EPPC (March 5, KNDL 207/209, open to the public): 5 GE Minors, discussion item. EPPC Discussion Item (PDF).
  • CAB subcommittee meeting (March 6, 2-3, SSC 206, open to the public): An ad hoc CAB Subcommittee, open to all CAB members and open to the public, will meet to review EPPC feedback from the EPPC Discussion Items on February 20 and March 6. This subcommittee may recommend substitute documents for the GE Minors when they appear as Action Items in CAB on March 10. GE Minor Course Proposals and Preliminary Recommendations to Discuss (PDF).
  • CAB meeting (March 10, 12-2, SSC 122, open to the public): all 10 GE Minors, action item. Agenda (PDF).
  • GE Minors submitted to EPPC (March 23)
  • Due to COVID-19, Academic Senate Executive Committee postponed consideration of GE Minors.
  • Academic Senate revised EM 19-021 to change implementation date from Fall 21 to Fall 22.

Fall 2020

Fall 2022

Official Guidelines

"CAB will work directly with departments/faculty currently teaching GE courses, along with other departments/faculty interested in teaching GE courses, in a transparent and consultative process of revising the number and/or title of upper-division Pathways and corresponding GE Minors and designating the lower- and upper divisions courses that will count for each GE Minor. During this process, no courses that currently have GE status, including “experimental courses,” will forfeit their status, and courses with current GE status can change their title and/or Pathway focus without forfeiting GE status. Specifically, all courses with lower-division Subject Area or Subarea GE status and all courses in upper-division GE Pathways on the date when this EM is signed will maintain their status unless a department chooses to change the status of the course. In 2019-20, CAB will propose changes to existing GE Minors to EPPC. In 2020-21, CAB will promote GE through new graphics, digital interfaces and general outreach. The revised program will be implemented in fall 2021. The current EM 18-005 will remain in effect until implementation in fall 2021, with the exception of the policy for adding new courses to GE that will take effect immediately. Also beginning immediately, CAB will work with relevant units to transition our practices to support EO 1100, sec 2.2.3." (from EM 19-021, pending presidential approval of senate change of "fall 2021" to "fall 2022")