Northern California Educational Leadership Consortium

Professional Learning Offerings

The Northern California Educational Leadership Consortium provides a variety of professional learning (PL) and support services for school and teacher leaders in our region. Services are free of charge to participants; some levels include a participant stipend with appropriate accomplishments. Explore the options on this page and join us. We want to help you create better outcomes for children and youth.

Team Level

The Team Level is for small teams of educators – district and site leaders, and teachers – who want to work together to address a specific local problem or concern. Support includes activities for learning more about school leadership and how to sustain a culture of continuous improvement, a NorCal ELC Coach to advise the team, access to additional tools for change, and opportunities to network with regional colleagues. Team Leads will participate in Leadership Academy (LA) sessions for leadership development; all participants will attend Regional Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) sessions, as well as 2-day Winter and Summer Leadership Institutes. 

Team participants who complete program deliverables and attend 90% of the required program events & team meetings will earn an annual stipend. To get started, just make a copy of the application template below and begin forming your Team!

2024-25 NorCal ELC Team Application (TEMPLATE) (Google Doc)

The application and program cycles for this grant are listed below. Towards the conclusion of each program year, existing teams/participants may choose to apply for continuation into the subsequent program cycle.

Year 1 -- August 2023 - June 2024

Year 2 -- August 2024 - June 2025

Year 3 -- August 2025 - June 2026

Share the 2024-25 NorCal ELC Team Open Recruitment Flyer!(opens in new window)

Individual Leadership Coaching Pathways

Would individualized coaching help you improve your professional skills or solve problems you are facing? Consider joining one of these expanded leadership coaching pathways. Each pathway includes coaching designed just for you and participation in the newly revised 2024-25 Leadership Academy (8 sessions). Features include leadership learning with regional experts, content focused on collaborative team development, how to assist others through coaching, how to scale improvements that work, and how to sustain evidence-based school transformation. 

In 2024-26 the NorCal ELC has additional funding from CDE for coaching expansion. This means that Team Leads (in the Local School “Teams” Program) will continue to receive this specialized support in Leadership Academy (LA) sessions and Individualized Coaching; it also allows the project to expand into two new individual pathways for more coaching opportunities:

(1) Administrator Coaching Pathway & (2) Teacher Leader Coaching Pathway

Access the document to read more information on the new individual pathways and to submit an application. (Google Doc)


Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) Module Offerings in the NorCal Shasta Geo Region

NorCal ELC is offering 21st Century California School Leadership Academy (21CSLA) UTK modules in the Shasta Geo Region in the 2024-25 Academic Year, both virtually and in-person. Watch this space for the modules selected and their respective flyers to register. For each module, NorCal ELC is offering a $250 stipend to participants upon completion. 

View the 2024-25 UTK Modules Schedule for all future event dates and to access their respective event registration forms.(opens in new window)

** If you attended a module in 2023-24, you will not be eligible to repeat that module in 2024-25. Access the UTK Module Cross-Reference (Google Sheet) to see which modules you may have already attended.

NorCal UTK Community of Practice

Join our region-wide UTK Community of Practice (CoP) to talk and network with early childhood, TK and other primary teachers and administrators about educational issues and services for young children. All sessions are being held via Zoom.

The UTK CoP 2024-25 Schedule and Sign-Up form is now available.(opens in new window)

Principal Collaborative Support Network

If you are a school principal who wants to join a collaborative community of practicing principals, this Network is for you.

This successful and established Principals Network can support Principals with learning, improvement, and networking. Its primary objective is to help principals create coherent and effective systems of instruction in their schools; as well as explore strategies to develop teacher leadership using a “case study problems of practice and theories of action” model of inquiry.

Learn more about the PCSN by accessing the resources below.

2024-2025 Principal Collaborative Support Network Application/Enrollment Form - CLOSED

2024-2025 PCSN Calendar (Google Doc)
21CSLA PCSN 2024-25 Program Information(opens in new window)