Janet Turner Print Museum

Artist Talk

Art Hazelwood

"Political Printmaking: Satire and Activism"

Monday, March 22, 5 p.m.

Register for Zoom meeting 

Meeting ID: 893 8168 3587 Passcode: 992981

For over 25 years Art Hazelwood has created politically charged prints, working with dozens of organizations from arts organizations to unions to grassroots movements. Over that period he has been consistently involved with homeless rights, including working with the Western Regional Advocacy Project, where he is the Minister of Culture. In 2017, he received the Artwork as Revolution Award from the Coalition on Homelessness. He taught at the San Francisco Art Institute where he was involved in union bargaining for adjunct faculty and was elected Shop Steward. Also at the Art Institute he was part of the founding of the San Francisco Poster Syndicate, which has brought together political poster makers from various levels of experience and backgrounds to create art for activist organizations. From 2008-2018 he was a regular guest artist at San Quentin State Prison in the printmaking class of Katya McCulloch. With Stephen Fredericks, he organized the Art of Democracy, a coalition of over 50 exhibitions taking place across the US in the lead up to the 2008 presidential elections. He is the author of Hobos to Street People: Artists’s Responses to Homelessness from the New Deal to the Present, from Freedom Voices. His artwork is in the collections of the Library of Congress, The Whitney Museum of American Art, and many other institutions. He shelters in San Francisco. www.arthazelwood.com(opens in new window)

Art Hazelwood Talk