2014-2015 Exhibitions
Fall Semester, 2014
Inhabitable: The Sense of City
August 25 – September 20
With examples from the Turner Print Collection selected and written about by students in a Spring 2014 Humanities class and their instructor, Dr. Laura Nice, this exhibition highlights the consequences of and the tension between the rural and urban experiences as central to modernity. In this year celebrating Janet Turner, this exhibition honors her dedication to using the collection to enhance learning in—and beyond—the classroom.
Curator’s talk: Thursday, August 28, 5:30 pm in Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall; reception follows at the Turner.
Legacy: Janet Turner - Artist, Mentor, Teacher
Legacy: Janet Turner - Artist, Mentor, Teacher
September 30 - October 25, 2014
To help mark the centenary of Turner’s birth, this exhibition presents a combination of her prints with a selection of her students’ work included in The Turner print collection.
The reception will also posthumously honor Barbara Edmonson, the late Janet Turner’s sister, with the Turner Prize for Excellence in the Arts. After retiring to Chico in 1983 Edmonson took a leading role as her sister’s archivist, agent, and later, organizer of posthumous exhibitions and a Catalogue Raisonnè of Turner’s work.
Curator's Talk: Catherine Sullivan, Thursday, October 16, 5:30 pm Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall; reception to follow in The Turner's lobby.
Together/Divided: A Couple Curates
Guest Curators David Hopper and Shari Maxson Hopper
November 6 – December 13
Well-known local artists, collectors and art supporters, David Hopper and Shari Maxson Hopper will reconnoiter the Turner Collection for the first time. Independent of each other, they will select what appeals to them aesthetically, and their selections will be combined for one exhibition. As well-traveled art viewers with a long history in the arts, they are sure to provide a surprising and unique vision of the Turner Collection.
Curator’s talk: Thursday, November 6, 5:30 pm in Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall; reception follows at The Turner.
Spring Semester, 2015
New Work/New Artist II
National Print Competition Solo Exhibition Award Winner, Kathy Aoki
January 26 – February 21
Anne Collins Goodyear, the juror for the 10th Turner National Print Competition, Pushing Boundaries|Expanding Horizons, selected San Francisco Bay Area artist Kathy Aoki as an artist deserving a solo exhibition. For this exhibition the artist has the chance to create a new body of work for a specific setting. With this open invitation to create, the artist has an unprecedented prospect of exploration, engagement and conceptual expansion.
Artist’s presentation: Thursday, January 29, 5:30 pm in Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall; reception follows at The Turner.
Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
Animals – Fun, Fantastic, Fierce
March 9 – April 11
Animals as subjects crop up repeatedly in The Turner Collection. Janet Turner herself was known for her prints of birds of our region, but she was not averse to sketching a house cat or even monkeys at the zoo! This exhibition includes works with a variety of interpretations, from the culturally significant to the truly kitschy.
Curator’s talk: Thursday, March 12, 5:30 pm in Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall; reception follows at the Turner.
Grounded and Fleeting etching monoprint
20th Juried Student Print Exhibition & 13th Ink/Clay
April 23 – May 13
Highly anticipated, this juried exhibition displays the outstanding creative work by current CSU Chico printmaking students under the direction of art professor Eileen Macdonald. The juror, Miwako Nishizawa, a Japanese Ukiyo-e-e Bay Area based print artist, selected the exhibited works and the award-winning prints that will become part of the Turner’s student collection. Additionally, this exhibition celebrates the link printmaking has with ceramics in the 13th Ink/clay.
Awards presentation with the University Art Gallery and the Art Education student exhibition, Thursday, April 30, 5:00 pm in Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall. Receptions follow at The Turner, the University Art Gallery in Trinity 100, and the BMU 3rd Floor Gallery.
Both Semesters
Ayres Hall
These small exhibitions, geared toward curriculum developed by Turner curatorial interns, may reflect university themes as well as the Humanities Center theme of "Food and Culture.”