Spring 2024
All are welcome to attend and contribute. Refreshments provided!
Email Dr. Lisa Kendhammer at lkendhammer@csuchico.edu with any seminar questions. The schedule will be updated throughout the semester.
March 29
Claire Mirkarimi, biochemistry major, Chico State
"Mutagenesis Study of Limonene Synthase to Alter Cyclization Products (PDF)"
April 5
Megan Keener, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
"From Organic Synthesis to the Trans-Actinides: A Retrospective of My Career Since Chico State (PDF)"
April 12
Monica So, chemistry professor, Chico State
April 26
Preston Lawson, chemistry major, Chico State
"Semiconductor Materials Chemistry for a More Sustainable Future"
May 3
Paul Alderson, chemistry and biochemistry major, Chico State
"Wet, Green, Chiral Amines: Applying Green Chemistry to the Synthesis of Chiral, α-Branched Amine Building-Blocks"
May 10
Anna Wannenmacher, UC Davis
"My Research Journal via the Study of Reactions and Molecules Involved in the Formation of Prebiotic Molecules"