Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi

Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi

Associate Professor
Office: OCNL 319
Campus Zip: 888
Phone:(530) 898-4489
E-mail:  zalavi@csuchico.edu

Ph.D. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
AI and Machine Learning, Digital image processing and analysis, FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging and hyperspectral data science, Control systems and systems simulation.

  • Education

    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Electrical Engineering                                                  PhD.,2015

    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Electrical Engineering                                                 M.Sc.,2012

    Amirkabir University of Technology, Engineering                                                              M.Sc.,2009

    Amirkabir University of Technology, Electrical Engineering                                                 B.Sc.,2007

  • Experience

    Associate Professor

    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, California State University Chico, Chico, CA (August 2023- present)

    Assistant Professor

    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, California State University Chico, Chico, CA (August 2017- present)

    Assistant Professor

    Department of Industrial Technology, Electrical and Instrumentation Program, Los Medanos College, Pittsburg, CA (July 2016- August 2017)

    Adjunct Professor

    Department of Computer Science, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA (January 2016-July 2016)

    Adjunct Professor

    Department of Engineering, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA (January 2016-July 2016)

    Engineering Content Developer

    CENGAGE Learning, Boston, MA (September 2015-July 2016)


    Department of Electrical Engineering,  University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (January 2014-May 2015)

    Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant

    Department of Electrical Engineering,  University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (September 2010-December 2013)

  • Research and Grants


    My research interests include different areas:

    • Machine Learning and AI,
    • Digital image processing and analysis,
    • Computed tomographic imaging,
    • FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging and hyperspectral data science,
    • Control systems (Adaptive Control, Optimal Control), and systems simulation.


    • Student Success Grant, PI: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi, Math and Engineering Bootcamp, Summer 2023, $20,000, CSU Chico
    • Governor’s Award, PI: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi, Math and Engineering Bootcamp, Summer 2022, $14,934, CSU Chico
    • Adelante Summer Research Program, PI: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi, “Optimizing Deep Learning Tool for Segmentation of Hyperspectral FTIR Imaging Data and Developing a Prediction Tool for FTIR Data using Machine Learning Techniques”, Summer 2022, $6,300, CSU Chico
    • College of Engineering, Computer Science and Construction Management, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, PI: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi: “Purchase of inverted pendulum for EECE 482 hands-on assignments”, Spring 2021, $6,256, CSU Chico
    • Chico STEM Connections Collaborative (CSC2), PI: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi, “Plans for a Novel Metalloporphyrin based Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (Online research)”. Summer 2020, $6000, CSU Chico
    • Student Success Grant, PI: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi, co-PIs: Dr Kathleen Meehan, Dr Webster Johnson, Dr Kevin Buffardi, Dr Kun Zhang, “Engineering Math and Projects Bootcamp to Improve Retention and Graduation Rates in Engineering and Computer Science”, Dec. 2019- May 2020, $30,000, CSU Chico Office of Undergraduate Education
    • NSF-MRI Grant, co-PI: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi, PI: Dr Ozgul Yasar, co-PIs: Drs. Kathleen Meehan, Monica So., Nathan Anderson, “Acquisition of Raman Spectrometer to Enable Nanoscale Multi-disciplinary Research and Research Training”, August 2019- August 2020, $224,985, National Science Foundation
    • Summer 2019 Research Grant, PI: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi, “Utilizing the FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging Lab for faculty and student research: Detection of wax artifacts in fruits, and investigating feasibility of characterizing interactions between plant roots and microbes”, Summer 2019, $5000, CSU Chico College of Engineering, Computer Science and Construction Management
    • Chico STEM Connections Collaborative (CSC2), PI: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi, “FTIR Imaging and Applying Image Processing Techniques towards Characterization and Localization of Microscopic Sample Components.” Summer 2019, $7500, CSU Chico
    • Research, Scholarship & Creative Activity (RSCA), PI: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi, August 2019- May 2021, $5,993 CSU Research Foundation.
    • Student Success Grant, PI: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi, co-PIs: Dr Kathleen Meehan, Dr Webster Johnson, Dr Kevin Buffardi, Dr Joseph Greene, “Engineering Math and Projects Bootcamp to Improve Retention and Graduation Rates in Engineering and Computer Science”, Dec. 2018- Dec. 2019, $32,254, CSU Chico Office of Undergraduate Education
    • Office of Naval Research: co-Investigator: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi, PI: Dr Kurtis Kredo, “High Speed Cost Effective Simulation and Design Techniques for PEPDS” Dec. 2018- Sep. 2022, $1,154,365, ONR
    • Summer 2018 Research Grant, PI: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi , “Developing Control Systems Design Projects employing Tiva™ C Series LaunchPad Evaluation Kit”, Summer 2018, $5000, CSU Chico College of Engineering, Computer Science and Construction Management
    • NSF-MRI Grant, PI: Dr. Zahrasadat Alavi, co-PIs: Dr. Kathleen Meehan, Dr. Jinsong Zhang, Dr. Ozgul Yasar-Inceoglu,  “Acquisition of FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging System towards material characterization with contributions to health, clean energy generation, and efficient processing techniques”, Oct. 2018- Sept. 2019, $175,305, National Science Foundation
    • Student Learning Fee Grant, “Purchase of equipment for experiments and demonstrations in Control System based courses”, 2018-2019 AY, $15,620, California State University Chico
    • Junior Faculty-Student Scholarship Seed Grant, 2017-2018 AY, $5000, RESP, California State University Chico
    • New Faculty Research Grant, 2017-2019 AY, $5000, California State University Chico
  • Recent Publications

    Journal papers

    Book Chapters

    • Eric C Mattson, Miriam Unger, Julia Sedlmair, Michael Nasse, Ebrahim Aboualizadeh,  Zahrasadat Alavi, Carol J Hirschmugl, "Widefield FTIR 2D and 3D Imaging at the Microscale Using Synchrotron Radiation". In: R. Salzer, H. W. Siesler, editor. Infrared and Raman Spectroscopic Imaging. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2014. Chap.15. Pp. 585-618. 2nd ed.

    Conference Papers

    • Zahrasadat Alavi, “Assessing Effectiveness of Different Teaching Modalities in Linear Circuits I”, 2022 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 26-29, 2022.
    • Zahrasadat Alavi, Kevin Buffardi, Kun Zhang, Kathleen Meehan, Webster Johnson, “Redesigning a Summer Math and Engineering Bootcamp for Virtual Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, 2021 Virtual ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Long Beach, California, July 26-29, 2021.
    • Zahrasadat Alavi, “Multi-disciplinary research and teaching by means of employing FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging System and characterization techniques”, 2020 Virtual ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Quebec, Montreal, June 22-24, 2020.
    • Zahrasadat Alavi, Kathleen Meehan, Kevin Buffardi, Webster Johnson, Joseph Greene, “Assessing a Summer Engineering Math and Projects Bootcamp to Improve Retention and Graduation Rates in Engineering and Computer Science”, 2020 Virtual ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Quebec, Montreal, June 22-24, 2020.
    • Hadil Mustafa, Kurtis Kredo II, Roy Crosbie, Richard Bednar, Zahrasadat Alavi “Real-Time FPGA Simulation of Electric Ship Power System Using High-Level Synthesis”, 2019 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, Arlington, VA, August 14-16, 2019, pp 377-381.
    • Kurtis Kredo II, Hadil Mustafa, Roy Crosbie, Richard Bednar, Zahrasadat Alavi “Toward Automated Simulink Model Implementation and Optimization using High-Level Synthesis for FPGA” 2019 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS), Washington, DC, pp 172-180
    • Zahrasadat Alavi, Behnam Azimi, “Application of environment noise classification towards sound recognition for Cochlear Implant Users”, Proceedings of the IEEE, 2019 6th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE), Istanbul, Turkey, April 16-17, 2019, pp 144-148.
    • Z. Alavi,, K. Meehan, Enhancing a Control Systems Design Course by Using Experiential Learning Model”, 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL, USA, Jume 15-18, 2019.
    • Zahrasadat Alavi, Arash Kialashaki, “Towards Removing Barriers Against Learning Control Systems Design: A Comprehensive Review of the Math Required for Reaching Milestones in Control Systems Design”, 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 23-27, 2018.
    • Fatemeh Mozaffari, Azam Eidi, Leila Mohamady,  Zahrasadat Alavi, “Implementation of FMEA to Improve the Reliability of GEO Satellite Payload”, Proceedings of the IEEE 2013 Annual,  Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), Orlando, FL,USA, pp 1-6.
    • Zahra Sadat Alavi, Mohammad Bagher Menhaj, Hossein Eliasi, “Model Reference Adaptive Control of a Nuclear Reactor”, Proceedings of the IEEE 2009, International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, August 9-12, Changcun, China, pp 735-740.

    Presentations/ Posters

    • Zahrasadat Alavi, “Assessing Effectiveness of Different Teaching Modalities in Linear Circuits I”, 2022 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 26-29, 2022.
    • Zahrasadat Alavi, “High-Speed Cost-Effective Simulation and Design Techniques for PEPDS” at ONR Program Review, September 9, 2021.
    • Kurtis Kredo, Hadil Mustafa, Zahrasadat Alavi, “High-Speed Cost-Effective Simulation and Design Techniques for PEPDS” at Office of Naval Research Virtual Controls Program Review, July. 21-22, 2020
    • Zahrasadat Alavi, “Multi-disciplinary research and teaching by means of employing FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging System and characterization techniques”, 2020 Virtual ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Quebec, Montreal, June 22-24, 2020.
    • Zahrasadat Alavi, Kathleen Meehan, Kevin Buffardi, Webster Johnson, Joseph Greene, “Assessing a Summer Engineering Math and Projects Bootcamp to Improve Retention and Graduation Rates in Engineering and Computer Science”, 2020 Virtual ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Quebec, Montreal, June 22-24, 2020.
    • Zahrasadat Alavi, “FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging Technique and its Applications” CSU Chico Department of Biology Seminar Series, September 27th, 2019.
    • Zahrasadat Alavi, Kathleen Meehan, “Enhancing a Control Systems Design Course by Using Experiential Learning Model”, 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, Florida, June 16-19, 2019.
    • Zahrasadat Alavi, Behnam Azimi, “Application of environment noise classification towards sound recognition for Cochlear Implant Users”, 2019 6th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE), Istanbul, Turkey, April 16-17, 2019.
    • Zahrasadat Alavi, Arash Kialashaki, “Towards Removing Barriers Against Learning Control Systems Design: A Comprehensive Review of the Math Required for Reaching Milestones in Control Systems Design”, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 23-27, 2018.
    • “Three-dimensional spectral imaging with synchrotron FTIR spectro-micro-tomography”, Workshop on high-pressure time-resolved synchrotron techniques, Argonne National lab, Sep 2014.
    • “Widefield FTIR spectro-microscopy and spectro–micro-tomography of phase-separated mixed polymers”, Advanced Light Source Users’ Meeting, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oct 2013.
    • “Removing instrumental broadening from Synchrotron and Globar phase-separated mixed polymers’ FTIR Spectroscopy images”, Synchrotron Radiation Center Users’ meeting, Stoughton, Wisconsin, Sep 2013.
    • “Deconvolution on Synchrotron and Globar phase-separated PHB-PLA and PHB-PCL polymer blend films”, Biological Applications of X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy Conference, Northwestern University, Aug 2013.
  • Awards and Affiliations

    Awards and Honors

    • Electrical and Computer Engineering Division Best Paper award for the 2019 ASEE Annual Conference
    • Student Poster Competition Award at BioXRM Conference, Northwestern University, Aug. 2013
    • Chancellor’s Award, Academic Excellence, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2010-2013

    Professional Activities

    • Chair of Reopening Electrical and Computer Engineering Master’s Program, 2023- present
    • Member of RTP Standard Revision Committee, 2022-present
    • College of ECC representative in Graduation Initiative Advisory Board, 2021- present
    • Member of College of ECC Outstanding Thesis/Project Committee, 2021- present
    • College of ECC representative in Faculty Development Advisory Board, 2020- present
    • Member of Scholarship Review Committee, 2020- present
    • Member of Electrical and Computer Engineering Master’s Program Curriculum Committee, 2020- 2023
    • Director of the FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging Lab, 2018-present
    • Director of in-person and virtual Summer Engineering Math and Engineering Bootcamp to Improve Retention and Graduation Rates in Engineering and Computer Science major students (Summers 2019-2023)
    • Chair of Full Time Lecturer Search Committee, 2022
    • Co-lead of Equity Action team 1A for reducing DFW rates, 2021-2022
    • Member of College of ECC RTP Task Force, 2021-2022
    • Electrical Engineering Curriculum Committee member, 2017-2023
    • Chair of Electrical Engineering Curriculum Committee, 2020- 2021
    • Faculty advisor of approximately 45 Electrical Engineering students (Sep. 2017- present)
    • Committee member for Biology Master’s Project by Anita Roman (Fall 2019- Spring 2021)
    • Committee member for EECE Master’s Project by Sourav Jena (Fall 2019)
    • Reviewer of Microscopy and Microanalysis Journal (2019- present)
    • Member and active in CSU Chico Women in STEM Group (Feb. 2018-present)
    • Reviewer of ASEE papers. (Sep. 2017-present)
    • Faculty Search Committee member, EECE Department of CSU Chico, 2018
    • Electrical and Computer Engineering Representative to the Library Committee, CSU Chico, 2017-2022
    • Scholarship Review Committee Chair, EECE Department of CSU Chico, 2017-2019
    • Scholarship Review Committee member, College of Engineering, Computer Science and Construction Management of CSU Chico, 2017-2019
    • Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012-present