Guiding Principles
The Gateway Science Museum inspires the exploration of science and natural history in our region and beyond.
The Gateway Science Museum envisions an environment where people of all ages and demographics are inspired by science. We strive to be a leader in engaging youth in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). We aspire to provide a stimulating experience for visitors as they grow into adulthood. We are devoted to the advancement of science literacy and life-long learning.
The Gateway Science Museum serves as a portal to learning and sharing, connecting university and community in a strong partnership. As educators, we champion creative and critical thinking, encourage curiosity, and inspire visitors of all ages in the exploration of science. As a gateway, we celebrate and heighten awareness of the unique natural history of our region. Through steadfast partnerships in education and outreach, we persist in efforts that instill stewardship and sustainability. (Ratified 2/5/2013)
Strategic Priorities
- Expand the public’s interest in and deeper understanding of science and technology;
- Foster collaboration with CSU, Chico faculty and students to engage in meaningful exploration of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM);
- Facilitate STEM learning, especially in diverse and underserved communities;
- Provide interactive learning experiences for children in preschool and elementary grades;
- Inspire young people to become future scientists, engineers, medical and technology professionals, with a focus on grades 4-14;
- Engage life-long learners in activities that promote science literacy, stewardship, sustainable practices;
- Present high quality exhibits and museum displays, that collectively serve all segments of our audience;
- Produce engaging science educational activities and programming to meet a diverse audience;
- Increase public awareness of the value of Northern California’s natural history through exhibits, outreach, and education;
- Ensure economic stability and organizational strength for the museum.
(Ratified 2/5/2013)
Diversity, Equity, Access, and Inclusion Statement
Gateway Science Museum is committed to being a diverse and inclusive community that engages in the active process of anti-racism and anti-discrimination work, internally and in the programs we offer. We hold ourselves accountable to these statements and goals:
- We acknowledge and are mindful that Chico State stands on lands that were originally occupied by the first people of this area, the Mechoopda, and we recognize their distinctive spiritual relationship with this land, the flora, the fauna, and the waters that run through campus. We are humbled that our campus resides upon sacred lands that since time immemorial have sustained the Mechoopda people and continue to do so today.
- Gateway supports CSU, Chico’s Commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Discrimination and inequities in our society have unjustly impacted communities of color and people of varied ethnicities, origins, sexualities, gender identities, religions, abilities, body sizes, and many other intersectional identities.
- We acknowledge that structural racism has long existed in science and in museums, as it has in other segments of society.
- We aim to be welcoming and inclusive in three spheres of engagement: our staff and advisory groups, our visitors and participants, and the scientists and researchers featured in our programs and exhibits.
- Empathy and respect can be modeled for all ages and in all settings. Therefore, we embrace these values in everything we do publicly and behind the scenes.
- Gateway is a platform to amplify diverse voices who work and are interested in science and the environment. We seek to open doors and keep them open for people who have been underrepresented and discriminated against in science, museums, and society.
- In aligning with Gateway's mission to inspire the exploration of science and natural history in our region and beyond, Gateway acknowledges that climate change disproportionally impacts communities of color across the globe, and that environmental justice leads to social justice. The solutions to these challenges are inextricably linked.
This statement was endorsed by Gateway Commission and Executive Committee in November 2020 and Community Advisory Board in January 2021.