Gateway Science Museum

Fall 2023

Comedy Wildlife

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We are constantly exposed to images of animals in distress and ecosystems collapsing. Instead, the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards uses humor as a tool to introduce people to a new way of thinking about wildlife and conservation.

The awards were created in 2015 by photographers Paul Joynson-Hicks MBE and Tom Sullam who share a passion for wildlife and spent years living and working on the African continent. Since then, the project has grown into a world-renowned competition seen by millions of people each year.

Making their Chico debuts, dozens of animal friends are caught being clumsy, expressive, surprised and a bit random. From an ill-tempered turtle to a sleepy gorilla, these photos bring a smile to everyone’s face.

Join us as we present 60 of the best of the best of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. Interactive stations are sure to draw you in to the funny lives of the animal kingdom.

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