Gateway Science Museum

Spring 2023

Water's Extreme Journey

EXPERIENCE the water cycle as a drop of water
LEARN to keep water clean through simple activities.
INSPIRE stewardship of natural resources
ACT to support clean water initiatives

Visitors embark on an exciting and important quest for clean water. They follow the journey of a water drop and explore first-hand the science behind the water cycle. Through a interactive maze, visitors realize how daily decisions can immediately impact the watershed in their own backyard. Coming to Gateway Science Museum in January 2023. 

water extreme journey exhibit photo 1
water extreme journey exhibit photo 2
water extreme journey exhibit 3

Loving Earth Project

THE LOVING EARTH PROJECT(opens in new window)

is a community textile project celebrating some of the wonderful things threatened by growing environmental breakdown: people, places, creatures, and other things we love. It is helping people to engage creatively and constructively with these issues, without being overwhelmed. It’s also a way to share positive examples of change and why people have taken action for the sake of love.

Gateway and monca are collaborating to create our community project by encouraging visitors to make a textile panel.

Loving Earth Project exhibit photo 1
Loving Earth Project Exhibit Photo 2
Loving Earth Project Exhibit Photo 3
Loving Earth Project Exhibit Photo 4
Loving Earth Project Exhibit Photo 5

Outer Space is Closer than Antarctica

Meet the Artist: Michelle Ott

Michelle Ott

Big Red:

Big Red ECW

Pictured above is a set of Extreme Cold Weather gear (ECW gear) that is nicknamed 'Big Red'.  Big Red helps individuals (like Artist Michelle Ott) stay warm in temperatures reaching less than -30 degrees Fahrenheit.  Ott wore ECW just like this in her time at McMurdo Station in Antarctica!

Outer Space art by Michelle Ott
Outer Space art by Michelle Ott
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