Gateway Science Museum

Summer 2023

Water's Extreme Journey

Did you know the human brain is 60% fat, weighs 3 pounds and contains 100 billion neurons? Each neuron connects with other neurons, adding up to 1 quadrillion connections!

That's a lot of brain to build!

So put on your thinking cap to solve, open your mind to illusion and get your creativity flowing to build. 

Visitors of all ages are welcome to experience Imagination Playground's Big Blue Blocks this summer. 

Thank you to these Big Brain Friends

LaDawn Haws for inspiring us and loaning just a fraction of her extensive collection of self-curated puzzles and illusions. 

Roger Cutler for loaning us classic illusions

Big Blue Block Sponsors

Sierra North Valley Realtors

Chico Builders Association

Valley Contractors Exchange, Inc. 

Ed Hoiland

Caroline Aldrich-Langen

Marcia Moore

Modern Building, Inc.

Christie and Gage Chrysler

Alternative Energy Systems, Inc. 

Donna Rose Design

Barbara and Guerdon Ely

Brian and Gail Boswell

Keva Plank Sponsor

Renee McAmis

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