CTC Accreditation Launchpad(opens in new window)
EPPU Preparation Providers Unit (EPPU) Webpage(opens in new window)
Interested in exploring other majors in the field of health and human services?
Join us to make connections and explore academic and professional opportunities in the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences at CSU Chico.
All majors & non-members welcome to join meetings.
No membership fees.
02/07/23 | 4-5pm | Modoc Hall 120 | Yes | Always |
03/07/23 | 4-5pm | Modoc Hall 120 | Yes | Of course |
04/04/23 | 4-5pm | Modoc Hall 120 | Yes | Duh! |
05/02/23 | 4-5pm | Modoc Hall 120 | Yes | Yes :) |
or join on Zoom
{Meeting ID: 898 9491 7035; Passcode: 222555}
Joir our GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/85096451/OBcL9H94
Follow us on Instagram bss.society.chicostate
&if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at bss.societychicostate@gmail.com
We want to hear your feedback to better serve YOU!
Got a specific interest? Our meetings are for students so we'd love to have a meeting that helps you!
Submit a Spring 2023 Topic Request Form
Title | Name | |
Faculty Advisor | Souk Chiang | schiang1@csuchico.edu |
President | Azucena Palmerin Ortiz | apalmerinortiz@csuchico.edu |
Treasurer | Maria Monica Fernandez | mfernandez4@mail.csuchico.edu |
Social Media | Sabrina Bonnell | sabrinabonnell@gmail.com |
Secretary | Caitlyn D Siratt | cdsiratt@csuchico.edu |
Use the QR code below to visit the One Psych GroupMe page: