Psychology Department

Psi Chi & Psychology Club

About Us

Our organization offers two membership options for you to engage in exciting opportunities and help prepare for your future: Psi Chi and Psychology Club! The goal of our organization is to provide tools for success such as networking, workshops, guest speakers, and mentorship to ALL who are passionate about psychology. While Psi Chi members enjoy benefits from the international honor society, Psychology Club membership is a great idea for those who are unable to join Psi Chi at this time or those that just want a fun way to interact with driven, like-minded individuals who love psychology.

Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology

Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, was founded in 1929 with a mission to encourage excellence in scholarship and advance the science of psychology. More than 700,000 lifetime members have joined in this worthwhile cause including Distinguished Members such as Drs. Albert Bandura, B. F. Skinner, and Phillip Zimbardo. A few popular Membership Benefits include international recognition for academic excellence, as well as access to our three publications and more than $400,000 in annual awards and grants.

Benefits of Membership

 BenefitPsi ChiPsych Club
Gain Knowledge
Workshops, guest speakers, panels
Networking opportunities
Peer-to-peer, meet grad students, get to know professors and professionals in our community
Trivia nights, book club, fun outings (when conditions allow), community service, group chat
Funding opportunities
$1000 Psi Chi Student of the Year Scholarship, $100 Most Involved Member Award, prizes and giveaways
Leadership Opportunities
Junior officer program, Officer team
Psi Chi International
Scholarships, internships, jobs, international networking, research opportunities
New member perks
Psi Chi t-shirt, Psi Chi membership pin, membership certificate, official ceremony honoring your new membership

Membership Requirements

Psych Club MemberPsi Chi Member
  • Any
Chico Student ID
Chico Student Email
  • Psychology
Units of college
  • 35 units
Units in Psych classes
  • 9 units
  • 3.3 or above
  • Minimum of 3.0 in PSYC-specific courses
Per semester
  • $10
  • $65
Per semester
  • $10

Email us for questions

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