Psychology Department

Psychometrics Library

Materials in the Psychometrics Library are maintained for the use of authorized students and faculty of the Department of Psychology at CSU, Chico. Only CSU, Chico psychology faculty and their enrolled students are normally permitted to access and use materials from the library. In all cases, examination and utilization of psychometric material are restricted to individuals who are trained in the appropriate use of each test made available to them or who are working under direct supervision of properly trained CSU, Chico psychology personnel.

Under special circumstances, other CSU, Chico faculty or students working directly under the supervision of an appropriately trained faculty sponsor may request to examine or have recourse to materials not being used by members of the department. Each request must have prior written approval from the chair of the Psychology Department before access to the library holdings will be allowed.
Key to Codes Used in the Table:

SF = short form
Tmp = templates
HV = home version
Ivw = interview
R = revised
Exp = expanded
Sur = survey
Crm = classroom

101Inventory of Basic SkillsBrigance1976
102Inventory of Basic SkillsBrigance1976
103Test of Phonological AwarenessTorgesen1994
104Personality Inventory for Children-RLachar1981
105Conners Rating Scales-RConners2001
106Conners Rating Scales-RConners2001
107Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-ExpSparrow1984
108Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-SurSparrow1984
109Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-ExpSparrow1984
110Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration-3RBeery1989
111House Tree PersonBieliauskas1956
112House Tree PersonBuck1964
113Reynolds Adolescent Depression ScaleReynolds1987
114Culture Free Self Esteem Inventory-2Preston1992
115Closure FlexibilityThurston1965
116Child Symptom Screening Inventory-4Gadow1998
117Draw a Person: Screen for Emotional DisturbanceNaglieri1991
118Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-CrmSparrow1984
119Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-SurSparrow1984
120(RCMAS) What I Think and FeelReynolds1998
121Multiple Anxiety Scale for ChildrenMarch1997
122Adolescent Psychopathology Scale-SFReynolds2000
123Adolescent Psychopathology ScaleReynolds1998
124Revised Behavior Problem Checklist PAR ed.Quay1996
125Revised Behavior Problem Checklist PAR ed.Quay1996
126Behavioral and Emotional Rating ScaleEpstein1998
127Auditory Discrimination Test for ChildrenWepman1958
128Roberts Apperception Test for ChildrenRoberts2001
129Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety ScaleReynolds1999
130The Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test for ChildrenClawson1972
131Reynolds Childs Depression ScaleReynolds1989
132Reynolds Childs Depression ScaleReynolds1989
133Reynolds Childs Depression ScaleReynolds1989
134Reynolds Adolescent Depression ScaleReynolds1987
135Piers-Harris Children's Self Concept Scale-RPiers1984
136Inventory of Early DevelopmentBrigance1978
137Minnesota Multiphasic Personality InventoryButcher1992
138Children's Depression InventoryKovacs1992
139Bender Visual Motor Gestalt TestClawson1962
140Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-TmpButcher1992
141Piers-Harris Children's Self Concept Scale-RPiers1984
142Student Self-Concept ScaleGresham1993
143Student Self-Concept ScaleGresham1993
144State-Trait Anxiety InventorySpielberger1983
145Sentence Completion SeriesBrown1992
146BASC Monitor for ADHDKamphaus1998
147Behavior Assessment System for ChildrenReynolds1992
148Adaptive Behavior Assessment SystemHarrison2000
149ASEBA School Age Forms and ProfilesAchenbach2001
150Inventory for Essential SkillsBrigance1981
151ASEBA-School Based Practitioners GuideAchenbach2001
152Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scale-HVMcCarney1989
153Coping Responses InventoryMoos1993
153Guide for Semistructured Clinical Interview for ChildrenMcConaughy1990
154Children's Memory Scale KitCohen1997
155School Based Practitioners Guide for the Child BehaviorAchenbach1998
156Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration-3RBeery1989
157Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration-3RBeery1989
158Inventory for Essential SkillsBrigance1981
159Children's Apperceptive Story Telling Schneider1989
160Gilliam Autism Rating ScaleGilliam1995
161Gilliam Asperger's Disorder ScaleGilliam2001
300Comprehensive Test of Phonological ProcessingWagner1999
301Comprehensive Test of Phonological ProcessingWagner1999
302Comprehensive Test of Phonological ProcessingWagner1999
303Test of Memory and LearningReynolds1994
304Wisconsin Card Sorting Test-64 Card VersionKongs2000
305Wisconsin Card Sorting Test-64 Card VersionKongs2000
306Woodcock Johnson Tests of Ach. Stand. And Supp.Woodcock1989
307Woodcock Johnson Tests of Ach. Stand. And Supp.Woodcock1989
308California Achievement TestsMcGraw1978
309Key MathConnolly1976
310Children's Auditory Verbal Learning Test-2Talley1993
311Children's Auditory Verbal Learning Test-2Talley1993
312Children's Auditory Verbal Learning Test-2Talley1993
313Wide Range Achievement TestJastak1984
314PAL Battery for Reading and WritingBerninger2001
315Gesell School ReadinessIlg1978
316WAIS/WMS KitPsych Corp1997
317WAIS/WMS Kit -manualPsych Corp1997
318WAIS/WMS KitPsych Corp1997
319Cognitive Assessment System KitDas1997
320PAL Battery for Reading and WritingBerninger2001
321Woodcock Johnson Tests of Ach. IIIWoodcock2001
322Stanford BinetTerman1973
325Differential Ability ScalesElliott1983
326Stanford BinetThorndike1986
327PPVT Technical Supplement L and M (6 copies)Robertson1981
328PPVT Form L (2 copies)Dunn1981
329PPVT Form M (4 copies)Dunn1981
330PPVT Manual L and M (2 copies)Dunn1981
331Woodcock Reading Mastery TestWoodcock1973
400Bayley Scales of Infant DevelopmentBayley1993
401Stanford Binet 4 edThorndike1986
403Woodcock Johnson Reading Mastery (5 Kits)Woodcock2001
500WISC IV (4 sets)Weschler2003
501WISC III (6 sets)Weschler1991

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