Start a Student Organization
New student organizations, student organizations whose recognition has lapsed, or groups not listed on the Recognized Student Organization List need to complete the formal university recognition process.
Requirements for New or Reactivating a Student Clubs/Organization
Visit the Wildcat Leadership Center in the Bell Memorial Union (BMU) 220 to connect with SOLE and speak with an Involvement Coordinator to learn more about getting involved. The following are requirements that must be met to be considered for recognition status as a Club/Organization. If students are experiencing any issues meeting any of the requirements, they may ask to speak with the SOLE Staff; Senior Coordinator and/or Assistant Coordinator for further support.
MUST have five (5) current Chico State students.
- Students MUST be current Chico State students.
- Students MUST be enrolled in at least 3 units.
- MUST have appointed a President and Treasurer
- The role of the other 3 members shall be determined by the discretion of the members of the club/organization.
- The campus Advisor can be a Faculty, Staff, or Auxiliary Employee currently employed at Chico State.
- Part-time faculty and staff can serve as Advisors, with approval from SOLE.
- Advisor MUST complete the Advisor Training provided by SOLE.
- Every club/organization MUST provide a copy of their Constitution/Bylaws
- A sample of what MUST be included in the Constitution/Bylaws can be found in the Appendix of this handbook and the Chico State SLL website.
- A New Student Organization Questionnaire Form must be submitted through CatsConnect prior to meeting with the SOLE Administrative Paraprofessional.
- Administrative Paraprofessional will also determine whether the organization will fall under Recreational Sport.
- Administrative Paraprofessional will connect the student org interests with the Recreational Sports contact via Chico State email.
- The Administrative Paraprofessional will consult with the Senior Coordinator prior to meeting with the student(s) to ensure compliance with university policies.
- Both President AND Treasurer (or representatives of the club/organization) MUST attend the yearly Recognition Training hosted by SOLE.
- The President can NOT represent the Treasurer.
- The Treasurer can NOT represent the President.
- Time and date of the Recognition Training will be announced via CatsConnect, Chico State email, and the SOLE social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter), and on the monthly newsletters on the last Student Organization Leadership Council Meeting.
- Students interested in starting an organization after the Recognition Training will meet with the Administrative Paraprofessional in a 1:1 meeting to discuss compliance training, discuss policies and procedures, and important financial information that student clubs/organizations must adhere to maintain continued recognition.
- Failure of both President AND Treasurer to attend the Recognition Training and/or 1:1 compliance training with the Administrative Paraprofessional will result in the immediate pause of the University Recognition process or any of the steps.