Facilities Management and Services

Campus Card and Key Access

Facilities Management and Services is responsible for the issuance of card access and keys. The purpose of this procedure is to provide the highest degree of security and to safeguard the property of our University and the personal property of those who study and work on campus. 

The Key Shop customer service hours are by appointment only. To schedule your appointment please email keyshop@csuchico.edu

Request New or Additional Access (Card Access, Key Boxes, Keys) - Main Campus

Please read each of the following before submitting a request for building access:

  1. Request services are only visible to MPPs, Associate Deans, Department Chairs, or their delegates. If you are an MPP, Associate Dean, or Department Chair and cannot view the Facility Access Request services, please email fmscustomersupport@csuchico.edu with "AUTHORIZED REQUESTOR" in the subject line to request access.
  2. If you are a delegate and cannot view the Facility Access Request services, or need to be designated as an Authorized Requestor, please have the appropriate administrator email fmscustomersupport@csuchico.edu to approve you as an authorized requestor. Please include "AUTHORIZED REQUESTOR" in the subject line.
  3. Requests should be made at least one week prior to access start date. If same or next day service is required, please submit a ticket and also contact fmscustomersupport@csuchico.edu (530-898-6222).
  4. Only the user whose access is requested for will receive an email notification. To check the status of a ticket, follow the link below.

Request Access  

Check Status

Contact the Key Shop

To request new or additional access, for both keys and card access, see the section above.

For questions or to make changes to access:

These requests include, but are not limited to:

  • Extension of expiring access
  • Changes to building or office schedules
  • Manual removal of card access (Note: this happens automatically resulting from the NOS (Notice of Separation) process).
  • Same-day changes in Wildcat ID Card number (Note: Typically the card access systems update with new badges automatically overnight).

Card/Key Access Requests (Housing) 

For room lockouts, please see the desk attendant (DA) to get a lockout card.

For lost Wildcat ID cards, please follow the below steps:

1)    Notify your resident adviser (RA) as soon possible.

2)    Instructions to obtain a replacement ID Card

3)    Once you pick up your new ID card, you will need to notify the FMS Key Shop that you have a new card by emailing your name and 9-digit Wildcat ID # to UHkeys@csuchico.edu. You do not need to include your new badge number in that email.

4)    Lastly, the door systems typically update with new badge numbers overnight. Email UHkeys@csuchico.edu with concerns.

For all other requests including Staff physical access requests, email UHkeys@csuchico.edu.

Returning Keys

Please contact the Key Shop to schedule an appointment to return keys.  

Report a Damaged or Unsecured Door

To report a door that will not secure or damaged door hardware, Request Service

Frequently asked questions: