University Budget Office
What We Do
The University Budget Office (BUD) provides guidance to academic and administrative units across campus to guide the annual budgetary process. We provide resources and trainings, policies and procedures, and budget support. We also offer a financial transparency portal called OpenBook, which provides financial information for the general public and Chico State community. OpenBook is currently still in a building phase, please check back with us soon for the launch of this new dashboard.
Our Mission
Frequently Asked Questions
- Where can I find fund spending guidelines?
The CSU Operating Fund, student fees, special operating funds, other funds, and auxiliary organization funds comprise our budget. To learn more about each of these categories, see the university funding source.
- How do I pay my fees?
To pay your fees please visit your student portal, for additional information or questions regarding your student account please visit Student Financial Services.
- What efforts are being made available to promote financial transparency?
In our effort to provide financial transparency to the public and our campus community we have created a Transparency & Reporting page, where you can access current and prior year reports. These reports include campus budget plans, lottery information, student fee reports, and more.
- How do I adjust or request a new fee?
The campus has the ability to adjust certain fees. To adjust or request new Category III (Miscellaneous Course fees), Category IV (Administrative fees), or Category V (Self-Support fees), visit our Student fees page to find the appropriate form. Questions regarding other fee categories should be directed to the University Budget Office.