Chico State Budget Process
In academic year 2023/24, under the direction of President Perez, Chico State embarked on a new budget process. These efforts included education, transparency, and realignment with university policy (EM 05-017).
The work of the University Budget Committee (UBC) resulted in a recommendation to President Perez of a three-year budget reduction scenario on March 1, 2024. The President accepted and announced the recommendation at the State of the University on March 7, 2024.
The President will announce his official budget call to divisions to enact the 2024-25 budget reduction. Division leadership will work with their respective units to develop plans and projections.
- President's Budget Communication to Campus
- UBC Education Sessions
- December 11th - UBC Meeting (PDF)
- February 2nd - UBC: Part I Budget and Funding Basics (PDF)
- February 9th - UBC: Part II 2023/24 CO Budget Memos and Campus Budget (PDF)
- February 16th - UBC: Part III 2024/25 Budget Planning (PDF)
- February 23rd - UBC: Part IV 2024/25 Budget Planning (PDF)
- March 1st - UBC: Part V Reserves & 2024/25 Budget Planning (PDF)
- UBC Recommendation
UBC's recommendation to the campus President from the March 2024 meeting:
- Balance the campus operating fund budget deficit over 3 years by implementing a 5% reduction per year.
- President's Acceptance of UBC Recommendation
- President's Budget Call
- Resources