Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if a concerning behavior is a CARE Team issue, or is more appropriately handled by other campus resources?
You do not have to make that determination on your own. The CARE Team is a multidisciplinary team from members across campus. The most important step is that you report the concerning behavior. If another campus resource is more appropriate, the CARE Team will refer the individual and handle the transfer of information.
What happens to the person I've referred in the CARE Team process?
The CARE Team provides community members with respectful and proactive support while offering resources that balance the rights of the individual with the overall mission of Chico State. Depending on the reported behavior, interventions can range from individual contact and providing resources for the person of concern to police involvement if a crime has been committed.
I made a referral, but I don't know what happened after that. Why am I not notified?
After reporting some disruptive behavior or referring a student to the CARE Team, people often wonder what happened to the concern. They might still see the student on campus or might not. While we understand this level of concern, it is also important for the CARE Team to maintain the confidentiality of a student, especially with regards to psychological and medical interventions that might have occurred. Also, some behavior, while disruptive, might not meet the criteria for removal from campus or classes. If you are wondering about follow-up on a referral you made, please do not hesitate to contact the CARE Team.
Can the CARE Team provide training for my group?
Yes. Contact any CARE Team member to arrange training tailored to your situation and needs, including how to respond to disruptive, intimidating, or threatening behavior.
Will I violate student's privacy rights if I contact the CARE Team?
No, the CARE Team members are all experts in their field and University employees who may share information from student records with other campus employees if there is a "legitimate educational interest." Additionally, members of the community can share personal observations about students, faculty, and staff without violating any federal guidelines about university confidentiality. If safety is at stake, the campus can also disclose information as needed to prevent harm.
Where or who should I call after hours?
In on-campus emergency situations, call University Police at 530-898-5555. In all off-campus emergency situations, please call 911.
You can make a report by contacting Yeng Vang, Student Support Case Manager, WellCat Services, at 530-898-5093.