MA in Education
The MA in Education is a professional degree that allows the candidate to study in depth a specific area of interest related to teaching and learning. The MA program provides an opportunity to study both theoretical and pragmatic issues and the interrelationships among these. The degree is designed to enhance the professional abilities of the career professional and to provide advanced preparation for those seeking degrees beyond the MA.
We believe in the power of education to create a strong democratic and sustainable society that honors diversity and inclusivity. The mission of the SOE, in collaboration with our community partners, is to support the development of effective, reflective, and engaged educators who value the identities of all students, their families, and the communities they serve. We are committed to scholar-practitioner inquiry and responsible praxis-based pedagogies that serve as tools toward cultivating socially and ecologically just practices in classrooms, local communities, and beyond.
Goals & Objectives
- Subject Matter Knowledge: Candidates demonstrate solid knowledge of and currency in their subject matter/academic discipline and a commitment to continue to expand their depth and range of understandings.
- Pedagogical/Professional Practice: Candidates demonstrate a sizeable repertoire of pedagogical/professional practice and select strategies, techniques and technological resources appropriately in relation to the learners.
- Diversity: Candidates are knowledgeable about and responsive to the needs of all learners, including linguistically and culturally diverse learners and special populations.
- Assessment: Candidates have expertise in the assessment and evaluation of pupil needs and achievements and use data in decision-making.
- Reflection: Candidates have learned to reflect appropriately on their professional practice and exhibit evidence of having established a habit of self-examination that results in continual improvement of that practice.
- Collaboration: Candidates actively engage in collaborative partnerships with colleagues, parents, community agencies and professional organizations.
- Candidates promote civic engagement and community partnerships and take an active leadership role in advocating for all learners.
Learning Outcomes
- The Role of Education in a Democracy: Graduates will embrace and strive to teach and live by values that serve a diverse student and community population.
- Describe the foundational role of education in a pluralistic democracy
- Evaluate how a community's strengths and resources can be used to create change
- Curriculum and Instruction: Graduates will develop and lead effective curriculum and instruction analysis and improvement.
- Make instructional decisions based on a thorough understanding of learning contexts, including demographics, cultural, and economic factors
- Critique their professional practice using methods of research
- Demonstrate proficiency in using a variety of technologies for successful teaching and learning
- Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: Graduates will acquire an understanding of the purposes of assessment in educational settings as well as factors that contribute to the quality of assessment and assessment practices.
- Critique the role of formative and summative assessments
- Analyze qualitative and quantitative data to determine student learning needs
- Scholarly Communication: Graduates will collect, analyze, and share educational data as informed consumers and producers of educational research.
- Demonstrate scholarly writing
- Demonstrate scholarly oral presentation skills
- Professional Collaboration: Graduates will understand and value the importance of collaboration with all stakeholders (e.g. communities, parents, students, teachers, school leadership, educational organizations) in the schooling experience.
- Identify ways in which they can lead efforts to collaborate with stakeholders in the educational process